infinite_listview 具有可以在两个方向上无限滚动的项目的ListView。 2021-03-14 95 infinite_scroll_pagination 当用户向下滚动屏幕时,懒惰地加载和显示项目页面。 2022-05-23 2036 flutter_annual_task 用于显示日常任务(如Github-Contributions)的网格视图。 2021-03-07 38 flutter_staggered_animations 轻松将交错动画...
infinite_scroll_pagination 当用户向下滚动屏幕时,懒惰地加载和显示项目页面。 2023-08-14 3115 flutter_staggered_animations 轻松将交错动画添加到ListView,GridView,Column和Row子级中。 2022-08-23 1867 dropdown_search 用于让用户搜索在单个或多个选择列表中显示在对话框或菜单中的下拉列表。 2023-02-26 1652 ...
Future<void> fetchNewPage(int pageKey) async { try { final newItems = await getProject(pageKey); // this is api call with page key final isLastPage = newItems.length < ApiService.MAX_PER_PAGE; if (isLastPage) { // this is a variable in your bloc that start with ...
infinite_scroll_pagination 当用户向下滚动屏幕时,懒惰地加载和显示项目页面。 2023-08-14 3356 extended_nested_scroll_view 扩展的嵌套滚动视图。 2023-12-27 274 drag_select_grid_view 一个同时支持拖动和点击以选择其项目的网格。 2023-08-29 151 sticky_infinite_list 具有粘性标头的无限列表。 2023-11-07...
Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier. infinite-scroll-pagination Flutter package to help you lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen. database Database access for Dart developers. miniplayer A lightweight flutter package to simplify the creation of...
Customizable Material and Cupertino buttons with progress indicators and more duration Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier. infinite-scroll-pagination Flutter package to help you lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen. ...
infinite_scroll_pagination and flutter_native_splash packages 所有这些软件包都已经迁移到 null 安全性,并且在适当的情况下支持 Android、 iOS 和 web。例如,firebase crashlytics 在 web 上没有底层的 SDK,Android alarm manager plus 是专门为 Android 设计的。
15 How to do infinite scroll with pagination in flutter 0 How to perform Pagination in Flutter 1 Is there any alernative for pagination in flutter? 4 how to use infinite_scroll_pagination for bloc pattern -1 How do infinite scroll pagination in flutter? 2 How to implement pagination in...
_refreshList()在这个方法中你不需要setState,只需要调用_pagingController. refresh();
Flutter infinite list with Bloc 06 July 2023 Dropdown A simple DropDown Model List for Flutter A simple DropDown Model List for Flutter 04 June 2023 List A Flutter package that provides a widget to create a nested reorderable list A Flutter package that provides a widget to create a nested...