flutter-live 跨平台(iOS+Andriod)多协议(RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HLS/WebRTC)直播播放器, Flutter+SRS。 Live streaming player, iOS+Android, RTMP/HTTP-FLV/HLS/WebRTC, by Flutter+SRS. Usage Install iOS/Android player app fromhere, or git clone https://github.com/ossrs/flutter_live.git && cd flutter_...
Starts a live stream _controller.startStreaming("YOUR_STREAM_KEY"); Stops streaming and preview _controller.stop(); Manage application lifecycle On the application side, you must manage application lifecycle: @overridevoiddidChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleStatestate) {if(state==AppLifecycleState.in...
flutter create agora_live_streaming 导航到你的 pubspec.yaml 文件,在该文件中,添加以下依赖项: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^1.0.0 permission_handler: ^5.1.0+2 agora_rtc_engine: ^3.2.1 agora_rtm: ^0.9.14 在添加文件压缩包的时候,要注意缩进,以免出错。 你的项目文件夹中...
Flutteris a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a single codebase. If you appreciate the content 📖, support projects visibility, give 👍| ⭐| 👏
LiveKit Flutter SDK Use this SDK to add real-time video, audio and data features to your Flutter app. By connecting to a self- or cloud-hosted LiveKit server, you can quickly build applications like interactive live streaming or video calls with just a few lines of code. ...
Whether you need an iOS app, an Android app, or a cross-platform solution, I've got you covered. My proficiency in various technologies ensures broad compatibility. ✅ Dart ✅ Nest.js ✅ Node.js I've had to work across a range of industries, all with their ...
add/insert/remove/moveMediainsidePlaylistduring playback. Device enumeration & changing. RetrievingMetaof aMedia. EmbeddingVideoinside the Flutter window. Supporting live streaming links. Broadcastclass for broadcastingMedia. Recordclass for recordingMedia. Chromecast...
flutter3-dylive仿抖音App实例|Flutter3+Getx实战短视频直播应用 - xiaoyan2017 - 博客园 flutter3_dylive 使用了最新跨端技术flutter3.19架构开发。 该项目前前后后花了差不多大半个月的时间,完全爆肝式输出开发。 目前已经实现了类似抖音的整屏上下滑动视频、左右滑动切换页面模块,直播间进场/礼物动画,聊天等模块...
For didactic reasons, we’ve first written the live demo above as a web-only app written in Dart. The source code of the web-only app is available on githubhere. We’ve also written the live demo as a multi-platform app written in Dart and using the Flutter UI, such that you can ...
SimpleAuth [153] - Azure Active Directory, Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Github, Google, Instagram, Linked In, Microsoft Live Connect, Github, OAuth, Basic Auth by James Clancey. Flutter AppAuth [38] - Plugin for displaying local notifications by Michael Bui. ...