flutter pub add apivideo_live_stream In your dart file, import the package: import'package:apivideo_live_stream/apivideo_live_stream.dart'; Permissions To be able to broadcast, you must: On Android: ask for internet, camera and microphone permissions: ...
To do live streaming in Flutter, you can use packages likeflutter_webrtcorzego_express_engine(like ZEGOCLOUD) for real-time video and audio streaming. These libraries allow you to integrate video and audio call functionalities into your app, supporting live streaming services. Additionally, using ...
Live Streaming Kit(Flutter) If most of your users are using high-end smartphones and find the default 540p resolution not clear enough, you can set the resolution yourself using videoConfig.preset.
Environment that reproduces the issue How to get the live stream video URL. Is it reproducible in the example application? Yes RTMP Server How to get the live stream video URL. Reproduction steps How do we get the live-stream video URL? Expected result Video URL Actual result Video Link Ad...
await _engine.enableVideo(); await _engine.setChannelProfile(ChannelProfile.LiveBroadcasting); if (widget.isBroadcaster) { await _engine.setClientRole(ClientRole.Broadcaster); } else { await _engine.setClientRole(ClientRole.Audience); }
cover, // 无控制条 controls: NoVideoControls, ), ), // 播放/暂停按钮 StreamBuilder( stream: player.stream.playing, builder: (context, playing) { return Visibility( visible: playing.data == false, child: Center( child: IconButton( padding: EdgeInsets.zero, onPressed: () { player.play...
原创研发flutter3+getX+mediaKit仿抖音app短视频直播实战Flutter-DouYin。 flutter3_dylive使用最新跨平台技术flutter3.x+dart3+getx+get_storage+media_kit开发手机端仿抖音app小视频直播实战项目。实现了抖音全屏
Remember the hosts you invite must has started a live stream,otherwise, an error will return via the method you called. you can used [timeout] to set the timeout duration of the PK battle request you sent. After it timed out, the host who sent the request will receive a callback noti...
经过了大半个月爆肝式开发,我的又一款原创自研flutter3跨平台新项目flutter3_dylive仿抖音App短视频项目完结啦~ flutter3-douyin 是基于最新的跨端技术flutter3.x+dart3+getx+media_kit开发手机端仿抖音app小视频直播实战案例。 实现了类似抖音全屏式上下滑动视频、左右滑动切换页面模块,直播间进场/礼物动画效果。