Flutter包"just_audio"是一个用于在Flutter应用中播放音频的开源库。它提供了一种简单而强大的方式来管理音频播放,包括播放、暂停、停止、跳转、调整音量等功能。 当使用"just_...
flutter_background 通过使用前台服务、唤醒锁定和禁用电池优化来保持 Flutter 应用程序在后台运行的插件。 2021-11-14 177 call_log 用于访问和查询通话记录日志。 2022-07-15 71 images_picker 用于从Android和iOS图像库中选择图像/视频,并使用相机拍照/视频,将图像/视频保存到相册/图库。 2022-03-21 138 telepho...
background_fetch iOS 和 Android 的后台定期回调。包括 Android Headless 实现。 2024-09-09 1157 audio_service 可在屏幕关闭时在后台播放音频。 2024-07-17 1221 path 一个全面的、跨平台的 Dart 路径操作库。 2024-10-17 1552 awesome_notifications 通过Firebase 或其他服务创建本地通知和推送通知(媒体通知、...
just_audio_background: Use this to allow your app to play audio in the background and respond to controls on the lockscreen, media notification, headset, AndroidAuto/CarPlay or smart watch. audio_service: Use this if your app has more advanced background audio requirements than can be suppo...
Can I make use of other plugins within the background audio task? Yes!audio_serviceis designed to let you implement the audio logic however you want, using whatever plugins you want. You can use your favourite audio plugins such asjust_audio,flutter_radio,flutter_tts, and others, within you...
1./** *最基础的展开小部件expansion tile * 用法很简单,将需要被展开的部件放在children中即可 * 其他用法和list tile很相似 * 当expansion tile 被展开时,我们可以看到background color * 会进行一个transition动画进行过渡 * expansion tile还有一个trailing属性,代表右边的小箭头 * 可以自行替换 * initiallyExpa...
backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(0x50,0xee,0xee,0xee), ),// some other granular customizations are also possible"tr": Style( border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey)), ),"th": Style( padding: EdgeInsets.all(6),
A Flutter plugin for updating location in background. App Flutter-Apps-Collection This is a repository of a collection of apps made in flutter for learning purpose impossiblocks a complicated game but with very simple rules made in Flutter ...
Select the app target in Xcode, click the Capabilities tab, enable Background Modes, and check Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture.Your Info.plist should have the following entries.<dict> ... <key>UIBackgroundModes</key> <array> <string>audio</string> </array> ...