flutter iOS framework not found image_picker 解决:在Xcode里搜索,点击打开,把“image_picker”和“framewo...
And because cached_network_image >=0.5.0 depends on flutter_cache_manager ^0.2.0 which depends on http ^0.12.0, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with cached_network_image >=0.5.0. So, because passion_timer_scoped depends on both cached_network_image ^0.5.0 and flutter_test any from...
Flutter项目中导入image_picker后,用Android Studio运行正常,用Xcode运行报错: Library 'image_picker_ios' not found 发现Xcode中左侧pod没有正确关联,于是进行以下操作: 1.cd ios 2.rm -rf Runner.xcworkspace 3.pod install 然后重启Xcode, 把项目重新运行就成功了。©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系...
【错误记录】Flutter / Android 报错 ( AAPT: error: attribute android:requestLegacyExternalStorage not found ) 发布于 2023-03-29 08:44:40 1.3K0 举报 文章被收录于专栏:韩曙亮的移动开发专栏 文章目录 一、 报错信息 二、 问题分析 三、 解决方案 一、 报错信息 Flutter 使用image_picker 时 , 需要进...
image_picker:^0.6.5 1.1.2. 平台配置 对iOS平台,想要访问相册或者相机,需要获取用户的允许: 依然是修改info.plist文件:/ios/Runner/Info.plist 添加对相册的访问权限:Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description 添加对相机的访问权限:Privacy - Camera Usage Description ...
../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/extended_image_library-0.1.9/lib/src/extended_network_image_provider.dart:63:41: Error: Type 'DecoderCallback' not found. ExtendedNetworkImageProvider key, DecoderCallback decode) { ^^^ ../../../.pub...
为什么安装后无法访问symfony?下面是我收到的消息:"-bash: symfony: command not found“ 为什么在上传CSV改进版时会收到以下错误信息?错误!找不到Joomla!包中的XML安装文件 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 【Flutter】Flutter拍照示例 ( 创建应用 |安装image_picker插件 ) ...
1、重要,解决'libyuv/xxxx.h' file not found 2、Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 3、Include of non-modular header 解决: 修改插件image_processor.podsec文件,修改后要删除调用方(example或者其他app项目)的Podfile.lock,才能生效 # # To learn more about a Podspec see http://guides.cocoapods....
/// The arguments [url] and [scale] must not be null. const factory NetworkImage(String url, { double scale, Map<String, String> headers }) = network_image.NetworkImage; 哈,是一常量,再点,看到类了…. _network_image_io.dart文件里的NetWrokImage,有点长下一步搞嘛? 鬼知道呢。。。先看看...
! Doctor found issues in 1 category. @sinahamedi67 Since it's related to picsum API, the image could not be existing. So, is there any percentage occurrence of the issue? Or does it occur everytime? @zrpra Does the issue still persist if you disable Impeller? huycozy added the ...