1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、引入 #将此添加到你的软件包的 pubspec.yaml 文件: dependencies: auto_updater: ^0.1.7 #或者 dependencies: auto_updater: git: url: ref: main 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8...
launch_at_startup 允许 Flutter 桌面应用程序在启动/登录时自动启动 2022-09-17 43 auto_updater 允许 Flutter 桌面应用程序自动更新自己(基于 sparkle 和 winsparkle) 2022-08-27 55 screen_text_extractor 允许 Flutter 桌面应用程序从屏幕中提取文本 2022-05-02 10 msix 命令行工具,可从您的 Flutter Windows ...
dependencies: auto_updater: git: path: packages/auto_updater url: ref: main ⚠️ Windows requirements openssl Run the following command: Use Chocolatey choco install openssl Usage import 'package:auto_updater/auto_updater.dart'; void main()...
This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to automatically update themselves (based on sparkle and winsparkle). - Issues · leanflutter/auto_updater
{ fml::jni::JavaObjectWeakGlobalRef java_object(env, flutterJNI); auto shell_holder = std::make_unique<AndroidShellHolder>( FlutterMain::Get().GetSettings(), java_object, is_background_view); if (shell_holder->IsValid()) { return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(shell_holder.release()); } ...
("flutter", "Shell::Create"); auto vm = blink::DartVMRef::Create(settings); FML_CHECK(vm) << "Must be able to initialize the VM."; auto vm_data = vm->GetVMData(); return Shell::Create(std::move(task_runners), // std::move(settings), // vm_data->GetIsolateSnapshot(), /...
// 更新当前最小的任务的lambda函数std::function<void(const TaskSource*)> top_task_updater = [&top_task](const TaskSource* source) { if (source && !source->IsEmpty()) { TaskSource::TopTask other_task = source->Top(); if (!top_task.has_value() || top_task->task > other_task....
auto shell = std::unique_ptr<Shell>(new Shell(task_runners, settings));通过构造方法创建shell对象,紧接着开始执行四个关键的代码块 /flutter/shell/common/ 1 2 3 4 5 // Create the platform view on the platform thread (this thread). auto platform_view = on_create_platform_view(*sh...
std::optional<TaskSource::TopTask> top_task; // 更新当前最小的任务的lambda函数 std::function<void(const TaskSource*)> top_task_updater = [&top_task](const TaskSource* source) { if (source && !source->IsEmpty()) { TaskSource::TopTask other_task = source->Top(); if (!top_task....