splashScreenView = splashScreen.createSplashView(getContext(), splashScreenState); ///添加 splashScreenView addView(this.splashScreenView); flutterView.addOnFirstFrameRenderedListener(flutterUiDisplayListener); } else if (isSplashScreenTransitionNeededNow()) { Log.v( TAG, "Showing an immediate splas...
_bannerList.add(new Image.asset( _guideList[i], fit: BoxFit.fill, width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, )); } } } _initSplash() { if (_splashModel == null) { _goMain(); return; } setState(() { _status = 1; }); // 倒计时 _timer = Timer.periodic(new Duration...
#image_dark: assets/splash-invert.png # The android, ios and web parameters can be used to disable generating a splash screen on a given # platform. #android: false #ios: false #web: false # The position of the splash image can be set with android_gravity, ios_content_mode, and # ...
flutter pubaddflutter_native_splash 配置: *(二选一) 在项目pubspec.yaml 文件添加以下配置 在项目根目录创建flutter_native_splash.yaml文件并添加一下配置 flutter_native_splash:# This package generates native code to customize Flutter's default white native splash screen# with background color and splash...
}class_SplashScreenStateextendsState<SplashScreen>{ void initState() {super.initState(); int count =0; const period =constDuration(seconds:1); print('currentTime='+DateTime.now().toString());Timer.periodic(period, (timer) {//到时回调print('afterTimer='+DateTime.now().toString()); ...
flame_splash_screen 使用带有徽标显示的漂亮闪屏来设计您的火焰游戏 2021-08-31 28 flame_forge2d Forge2D (Box2D) 支持 Flame 游戏引擎 2022-10-01 38 flutter_tesseract_ocr 基于神经网络 (LSTM) 的 OCR 引擎,该引擎专注于线识别。它支持 unicode (UTF-8),可以识别 100 多种语言 2022-05-09 75 flame_...
选中图片,然后在左侧 View Controller scence 中选中并剪切该图片 splash.png 并粘贴,以清除十字线(约束)。 编辑图片的约束,使其充满全屏幕。 点击屏幕右下角的约束编辑器: 将上面填空处都填 0,然后点击 Add 4 Constraints。 就OK啦~ Flutter启动界面 ...
You can add a splash screen in web/index.html But the added splash screen will zoom in when leaving, in my iPhone. Sample code <!DOCTYPE html>/* html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } */ /* #loader { width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 0 auto...
this.addView(flutterView); this.splashScreen = splashScreen; if (splashScreen != null) { if (this.isSplashScreenNeededNow()) { Log.v(TAG, "Showing splash screen UI."); this.splashScreenView = splashScreen.createSplashView(this.getContext(), this.splashScreenState); ...
在已经忘记版本的“远古时期”,FlutterActivity还在io.flutter.app.FlutterActivity路径下的时候,那时启动页的逻辑相对简单,主要是通过 App 的AndroidManifest文件里是否配置了SplashScreenUntilFirstFrame来进行判断。 代码语言:txt 复制 在FlutterActivity内部FlutterView被创建的时候,会通过读取meta-data来判断是否需要使用...