Local hardware stores near you such as Ace® hardware. Local electrical suppliers near you Petco: starters for lights used in aquariums Replacementlightbulbs.com 800 Burton Avenue, Suite 107 High Point, NC 27262 336-882-BULB (2852) Order Line: 800-692-3051 Technical Support Line: 336-882-28...
The filament in a light bulb is housed in a sealed, oxygen-free chamber to prevent combustion. In the first light bulbs, all the air was sucked out of the bulb to create a near vacuum -- an area with no matter in it. Since there wasn't any gaseous matter present (or hardly any)...
The familiar but now outdated light bulb gave off light through incandescence, a phenomenon in which the heating of a wire filament by an electric current causes the wire to emit photons, the basic energy packets of light. Incandescent light bulbs were gradually phased out in the United States...