Sanofi offers a range of trivalent flu vaccines that help provide active immunization to prevent disease caused by influenza A subtype & type B virus. Please see Important Safety Information or Prescribing Information.
The present invention provides a clinical sample testing influenza A and B viruses using suspected respiratory viral infections from an individual, including the clinical sample into a first portion and a second portion; the first portion of the formula cultured substrates together; the second portion...
【产品名称】 甲型&乙型流感病毒(Flu A&B)抗原检测试剂盒(胶体金法) 【预期用途】 本产品用于体外定性检测人鼻拭子、鼻咽拭子、口咽拭子样本中甲型 &乙型流感病毒抗原。 本产品不能单独用于甲型&乙型流感病毒感染的诊断,阳性结果仅表 明样本中可能存在甲型&乙型流感病毒特定抗原,应结合核酸检测结 果判断感染状态。
流感是指流感病毒引起的疾病,根据核型蛋白质和基质蛋白质不同,流感病毒分为甲、乙和丙三型。根据核蛋白和基质蛋白的补体结合抗体将流感病毒分为A、B或C型。血凝集素(H)是流感病毒表面的糖蛋白,它可以使病毒与细胞唾液酸结合进而与宿主细胞膜融合。 神经氨酸苷酶( NA)是另外一种表面糖蛋白,它可以祛除唾液酸,以...
Influenza B almost exclusively infects humans and is less common than influenza A. Flu type B also mutates about two to three times more slowly than influenza A. Because humans are the natural host of influenza B, pandemics generally do not occur with influenza B viruses.22 ...
Influenza C viruses are also found in people but are milder than type A or B. People generally don't become very ill from type C flu viruses, and this type doesn't cause epidemics. Flu Vaccine Different strains of the flu virus mutate over time and replace the older strains. This is ...
Respiratory viruses like Flu A, Flu B, and RSV significantly impact global health. This kit provides a streamlined solution for in vitro qualitative detection of Influenza A, Influenza B, and RSV in nasal, nasopharyngeal, or oropharyngeal swabs.
Testsealabs Flu A/B Antigen Combo Test Cassette, Find Details and Price about Kit Test from Testsealabs Flu A/B Antigen Combo Test Cassette - HangZhou Testsea biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Type A has two different subtypes or strains, based on the chemical structure of the virus. The H1N1 swine flu virus is a type A influenza virus. Type B is not divided into subtypes. Both type A and type B are responsible for the seasonal influenza outbreaks. Outbreaks occur more ...
甲型/乙型流感病毒抗原检测试剂盒(胶体金法) BioSign? Flu A+B 管理类别 第三类 型号规格 22人份/盒 结构及组成 BioSign® Flu A+B测试板条,抗原提取液,阳性质控品,阴性质控品。 适用范围 该产品用于定性检测疑似流感病毒感染患者的鼻咽拭子中是否存在甲型/乙型流感病毒核蛋白抗原。