Three types of flu viruses affect humans: types A, B, and C. Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers. Type C also causes flu, but its symptoms are much less severe. The last type o...
When it comes tothe flu, not all types are created equal. You’ve probably heard that there are a few different types of the flu. According to the CDC, there are three types of influenza viruses: influenza A, influenza B and influenza C. Influenza A and B are the two main types that...
There are three kinds of flu virus known as A B and C. flu C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack ...
阅读理解 The influenza virus(流感病毒) or the flu is spread from person to person in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.There are 3 types of the flu: -Type A viruses can infect people,birds,pigs,horses,seals,whales,and other animals,such as avian flu or bird flu. -Type...
There are two main types of influenza viruses that affect people:Type A and Type B. Both types are behind the influenza epidemic that hits the United States each year.Millions of people in the U.S. are impacted by the flu annually, with the elderly, infants, and those with chronic diseas...
Influenza is sometimes called“flu”or a“bad cold”. He took samples from the throats of patients in his hospital and was able to find the virus(病毒)of this influenza. There are three main types of influenza virus. The most important of these are types A and B each of them having ...
There are four different types of Influenza viruses with Type A and B causing seasonal flu outbreaks, with Influenza A tending to be most prevalent. Each “flu season” has different Influenza A virus subtypes, including H1N1 and H3N2, that become the predominant causative agent of flu cases2....
Flu C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable, and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack, the human body builds lip antibodies(抗体) which can be ...
正确的在题前括号内写 “ A ” ,错误的写 “ B ”How to protect yourself from flu cn Updated: Feb 1. 2019Flu is an acute eprotect yourself respiratory from infectious disease堂flu caused by a virus infection and posing serious harm to human beings.Four types of flu virus ...
Influenza,known as flu, is an acute respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus and is highly contagious. Influenza virus is divided into A, B, C three types. 传播途径: 以空气飞沫直接传播为主,也可通过被病毒污染...