If you are not getting overtime pay even if you are working more than 40 hours a week, then the questions to ask are whether you are meeting the current salary threshold of $455 a week and whether you are performing the actual duties of a salaried exempt employee (executive duties, ...
Important Notice for Employers:Afederal court rulinghas overturned recent changes to federal overtime rules. This cancels previously announced increases to the minimum salary threshold for exempt employees. As a result, the minimum salary for overtime exemptions reverts to $684 per week. It's esse...
Fifth Circuit Ruling: 2019 Salary Threshold Increase Did Not Exceed Authority BySeyfarth Shaw LLP,Ariel D. Fenster,A. Scott Hecker,Noah A. Finkel&Kevin YoungonSeptember 12, 2024 Posted inFair Labor Standards Act,FLSA Seyfarth Synopsis:On September 11, 2024, a panel of the U.S. Court of Ap...
"Street cops," as designated "first responders," were deemed nonexempt by the 2004 amendments to the FLSA. This means that at least police officers and detectives must be paid overtime if they work over their FLSA threshold. Specialists and others with supervisory ranks may qualify under the ...
Learn what to know about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Discover how it impacts your business and what can happen if you don't comply.
salary basis, and is therefore nonexempt. However, employers have several avenues by which they can "cure" impermissible reductions in salary basis pay, and as a practical matter these make it unlikely that an otherwise exempt employee would become nonexempt because of salary basis pay problems....
A. If an employee is paid a fixed salary each workweek for hours that vary up and down from week to week, the employer may use an overtime calculation method called “fixed salary for fluctuating workweeks”. This is the method that some companies in the past used to refer to informally...
Computer workers: Systems analysts, programmers, software engineers, designers, and developers are exempt if their salary is not less than $684 per week or $27.63 an hour. Independent contractors or volunteers: This is because they are not considered employees.7This carve-out for independent contra...
FLSA - California employers - Minimum Salary Increase for Exempt EmployeesDale A. Hudson
C. Baird BrownMulgrew, D. "DOL announces proposed revisions to FLSA regu- lations doubling the minimum salary requirement for exempt employees," National Law Review, Jul. 2, 2015, http://www.natlaw- review.com/article/dol-announces- propose...