Any shade-tolerant shrub can be grown in a natural way in a wooded area. Always prepare good planting holes so that they can establish before they have to compete with tree roots, and extra summer watering may be needed. Add flowering trees like Dogwoods, and you have a glorious natural ...
This shrub has a strongly upright growth habit, typically reaching 8 feet in height but only 3 or 4 feet wide, with the flowers spread out along its tall vertical branches. Plant Rose-of-Sharon at the back of a flower border where the smaller plants can hide the base of the plant. ...
USDA Zones:6-9 The amazing shrub for winter interest looks spectacular when it sheds all the leaves in the fall. Before falling, the foliage leaves us amazed with a glorious autumn shade. 12. Honeysuckle ‘Winter Beauty’ Botanical Name:Lonicera x purpusi USDA Zones...
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Mature size: 6 to 12 feet tall and wide Bloom time: June to September Flower colors: White Showy pincushion-like flowers attract butterflies, moths, and other beneficial insects. Native to much of the U.S., this sturdy carefree shrub makes a good subst...
A layer of one to two inches of shredded bark mulch spread around the shrub’s root zone (but not right against the base of the trunk) helps retain soil moisture and restrict weed competition. As you can see, the process of planting dwarf flowering shrubs is far easier than planting large...
USDA Zone: 8-10 Botanical Name:Nerium Oleander ‘White’ Also known as rosebay, oleander is an ornamental shrub that grows up to 15-19 feet tall and releases a toxic, sticky latex, if the stems are bruised. It features flowers in a white, red, or pink shade in late spring to summer...
sun requirementsFull shade to partial shade height6 inches- 4 feet tall and wide, size will vary between species and variety hardiness zones3-9 Okay, hear me out on this one.Hostas do bloom, and their flowers are quite pretty; it is just that they are not the main attraction here. Host...
sun requirementsFull sun to partial shade height15–30 feet hardiness zones3–9 A member of the same family as olive trees, the fringetree is a deciduous small tree or large shrub native to the Eastern U.S. It gets its common name from its clustered, drooping flowers made up of long, ...
Pruning Young Trees for Future Strength and Long Life – Part 3, Getting the Job Done This is the third part of an extended blog about the pruning of young trees. Many people just plant a new tree and expect it to develop perfectly all by itself. Sometimes that… ...
6. Indian Hawthorn Botanical Name:Rhaphiolepis indica The Indian Hawthorn is an evergreen, drought-resistant shrub with pretty littlewhite flowers. 7. Texas Sage Botanical Name:Leucophyllum frutescens What makes the hardyTexas Sagetruly stand out is its silvery foliage that’s adorned with lovely...