If you’re a gardener with a lot of shade around your home, you may find yourself struggling to find plants that thrive in minimal sunlight, especially when it comes to shrubs. Take a look at the shaded areas of your yard. Just because they are dark, does not mean they have to be ...
Summer is the season of flowers, especially when it comes to shrubs. There are so many to choose from, it's easy to find the perfect match for any ...
These gorgeous spring-flowering evergreen shrubs grow from zone 6 into warmer zones, and they are terrific plants for structure and flowers. We specialize in the Encore range, which flower again in fall. We also have some Rebloom series, which are more shade-tolerant than the Encore range -...
spring leaves with thorny vines and bushes. These heat-loving, drought-tolerant shrubs are perfect for fences and hedges. You can go with white cultivars like ‘Jamaica white,’‘Double White,’ and ‘Summer Show.’
These Winter Flowering Shrubs can make your monotonous winter garden interesting, you can also grow most of them in containers.
Mature size: 6 to 8 feet tall and wide Bloom time: Late summer through fall Flower colors: Blooms green, then fades to white, then pink Hydrangeas are one of the few flowering shrubs that produce spectacular blooms even in partial shade. One hydrangea that has become the superstar of the...
sun requirementsFull sun to partial shade height15–25 feet hardiness zones5–9 If you live in the eastern U.S. and are looking for a native tree that provides year-round interest, move the flowering dogwood to the top of your list. Themedium-sized tree has an open growth habitthat allo...
A layer of one to two inches of shredded bark mulch spread around the shrub’s root zone (but not right against the base of the trunk) helps retain soil moisture and restrict weed competition. As you can see, the process of planting dwarf flowering shrubs is far easier than planting large...
Flowering Trees can be planted in many different parts of your garden. They make beautiful specimens standing on the lawn. An avenue along a driveway or walkway is a glorious sight. Planted among shrubs and flowers they are a lovely backdrop or an accent for the shorter plants and they loo...
sun requirementsPartial sun to Partial shade heightVaries greatly within species and variety hardiness zones4-8 Rhododendronsare spring and early summer blooming giants. These evergreen shrubs produce large trusses of trumpet-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors. Rhododendrons are lovely when plan...