Moxi Z是一款由美国Orflo公司开发的细胞计数仪,它是款手持式细胞计数器,它采用库尔te电阻抗原理以及Orflo专利的薄膜传感器技术对细胞进行计数及直径测量。Moxi Zwu需任何染料即可轻松对平均直径范围在3-25um区间的细胞、酵母进行j确计数。计数结果以直方图的形式来显示细胞的直径和体积,提供细胞密度和细胞分布数据。整个计...
流式细胞仪(FCM,Flow cytometry),从字面上的cytometry (细胞计数) 也看得出它与细胞计数有着一定的渊源,Wallace Coulter于1947年发明了库尔特原理,用于血细胞分析,随后1953年Coulter公司便推出了世界上*台流式细胞分析仪。而以库尔特原理为主导技术开发细胞计数仪的ORFLO公司在此推出这样一台众望所归的微型流式细胞...
The Moxi Go™ or Moxi Go II™ come standard with an ultra-intuitive, plug-and-play interface with free OS updates as long as you own the instrument. No prior flow cytometry experience is required you simply just plug and play.
How It Works Benchtop Flow Cytometry Benchtop, micro-capillary flow cytometers, paired with ready-to-use cell analysis kits, enable any researcher to leverage the power of flow cytometry, regardless of expertise or access to a core facility. by EMD Millipore Jan 5, 2010| 2 min readDownload ...
This guided learning module covers an introduction to flow cytometry and goes over the basics of the flow cytometer and how it works. Learn more Videos The Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer enables you to gain more data with automated image analysis ...
This article discusses how a flow cytometry test works and when it is used. It will also help you to know more about how a flow cytometry analysis is done, what to expect, and what the results typically mean. jarun011 / Getty Images ...
flow cytometry fundamentals how a flow cytometer works fluidics of a flow cytometer optics of a flow cytometer electronics of a flow cytometer give us your feedback› the fluidics system of a flow cytometer...
Multicolor Flow CytometryBD Biosciences
Duolink® PLA kit enhances flow cytometry for detecting protein interactions accurately. How Proximity Ligation Assays (PLA) Work Learn how Proximity Ligation Assay technology works and how the protein-protein interaction control kit can confirm in situ detection of EGF-induced EGFR-HER2 dimerization....
How flow cytometry works Flow cytometers contain three main systems—fluidics, optics and electronics. The fluidics system funnels a sample of cells (e.g., a sample of human blood) into a single stream so that the cells pass through a laser beam one at a time. As each cell passes thro...