Weak Florida Statutes Foreclosures Conflict of Interest Laws But No Enforcement Grand Larceny Timid Law Enforcement Folks Losing Their Homes These Are A Few Real Life Issues Faced BY HOA & COA Association Members Florida statutes regulating HOAs and COAs are weak, without substance and virtually offe...
HOA Voting Rules in Florida Theannual election for board membersis most likely the biggest voting event for Florida homeowner's association members. The voting process required is described in Chapter 718 or 719, Florida Statutes, and Rule 61B-23.0021 or 61B-75.005 of the Florida Administrative ...
The board of directors of a condominium or cooperative association must be elected by the process prescribed in Chapter 718 or 719, Florida Statutes, and Rule 61B-23.0021 or 61B-75.005 of the Florida Administrative Code, unless your association has 10 or fewer units and has adopted an alternat...
Co-ops, on the other hand, operate under Chapter 719 of the Florida Statutes whereas homeowners’ associations operate under Chapter 720 of the Florida Statutes. All three entities have similarities regarding the statutory obligations and fiduciary duties that govern both associations and directors. Fur...
Directors and officers in a HOA (including those appointed by the Developer) must disclose to the association any activity that may be reasonably construed to be a conflict of interest at least fourteen (14) days before voting on an issue or entering into a contract that is the subject of ...
The Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development District is a local, special purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes as an alternative method of planning, acquiring, operating and maintaining community-wide improvements in planned communities. A CDD provides the “solut...