In a few short months, the 2025 hurricane season will be upon us, and it is important to start planning ahead. For many years, the Condominium Act provided that each board of a residential condominium was required to …
Florida law does not allow proxy voting and nominating committees are prohibited by statute. Search committees may be used to encourage individuals to run for the board; however, they have no authority to nominate anyone to run. Candidates seeking office must file a notice of intent. New HOA ...
After reading through them, it is apparent that these laws are certainly well-intended following the previously unimaginable Surfside collapse, but there are fears that while these laws may prevent another physical disaster that they may simultaneously result in financial disaster for many condominium an...
(VMs) are Westchase owners’ representatives, elected by the members of each neighborhood, to be responsible for casting all votes attributable to the units in the neighborhood for the election of directors, amending the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs), By-Laws and ...
Asbury Plantation is one of the newer neighborhoods in the Lake Asbury area. In time, it will be the only gated community in the Lake Asbury as well. If you drive by the neighborhood, you will see that there are two guard shacks. Eventually, the homeowners will be voting on whether to...
Again, this is both good and bad. This sort of board member can reinvigorate a moribund board, and be the agents of positive change for a community. Even in cases when the board member takes it too far, there are benefits. But the board of an HOA is not a board of a Fortune 500 ...