Ideal Board Composition Questioned Joseph Adams Posted onFebruary 2, 2025 Q: During our recent condominium association board meeting, we received questions about how the number of board members impacts our effectiveness. Is having an odd number of members important to avoid tie votes? And, does ha...
The existing fining portion of the statute has been revised to clarify that a HOA may levy reasonable fines for violations of the association’s declaration, bylaws, or reasonable rules of the association, and that, after the Board’s adoption of the fine, the notice to be sent to the offe...
Florida HOA and COA board members now face new education requirements under House Bills 1203 and 1021. These laws mandate comprehensive training to ensure board members understand their fiduciary responsibilities, including financial literacy, record-keeping, and safety inspections. ...
“The board has a duty to comply with the meeting and election requirements in their governing documents,” says Moriarty. “Therefore, a unit owner has the right to demand that the board conduct the meetings called for in the trust or the bylaws, and follow the election procedures set forth...
shall become members of the board, upon the close of the meeting. If there are any board positions that are not filled, an affirmative vote by a majority of the board (even if there is just one person on the board and no quorum) shall be used to fill the openings on the board. ...
There have been several updates to the Florida HOA Statute that we need to implement. In the coming months, you will receive communications from the Board to ensure we meet the new requirements. If you haven’t yet consented to electronic communication, please consider signing up at the followi...
The factory-direct paints from UCI Paints are manufactured to look great even in a tropical climate. We also provide paint contractor referrals; just ask!
Additionally, the order suspends and tolls through October 31, 2022, all final orders reflecting final agency action and all time requirements and deadlines for filing responses outlined in agency orders. DBPR Board Meeting cancellations and other updates can be found at
In fact, unattended dog waste is one of the most talked about problems in HOA and property manager board meetings across the country. Dogs don´t pick up after themselves and most times, unfortunately, their owners don´t either. Pet Poop Pickup LLC is a South Florida company whose job...
For condo and homeowners association board members, there is even more to remember and thoroughly understand about insurance, above and beyond what is necessary for that individual’s own home or unit. According to Mack, “These terms include total insured value, co-insurance requirements, admitted...