Florida HOA and COA Board Members just got “Schooled”: Understanding the New Education Requirements under House Bills 1203 and 1021 Florida HOA and COA board members now face new education requirements under House Bills 1203 and 1021. These laws mandate comprehensive training to ensure board member...
“In many homeowners’ associations you still are required to allow people to nominate themselves from the floor at the annual meeting. However, based upon recent amendments to the HOA statute, there is an increasing number of homeowners’ associations amending their documents to make their election...
There have been several updates to the Florida HOA Statute that we need to implement. In the coming months, you will receive communications from the Board to ensure we meet the new requirements. If you haven’t yet consented to electronic communication, please consider signing up at the followi...
My soulmate: What if HOA rules won’t let you fly an Israeli flag (American flags only, though an exception was granted for a sacred Rainbow Flag during Pride prior to the Prideful homeowner who ultimately chose to move to the San Francisco Bay Area)? Use Christmas lights to turn the hou...
Additionally, each year at the first Board meeting which follows the annual meeting (but not including the organizational meeting), the Board must consider the desirability of preserving its covenants. This becomes effective as of October 1, 2018. NOTE: A HOA’s recorded covenants are extinguished...
The minimum legal number of people required to be present before a specified meeting can officially take place or authorized business can be transacted. An HOA meeting may be required to have a quorum. R radon A colorless, odorless gas naturally occurs in ground, rock and sediment in every st...
“The board has a duty to comply with the meeting and election requirements in their governing documents,” says Moriarty. “Therefore, a unit owner has the right to demand that the board conduct the meetings called for in the trust or the bylaws, and follow the election procedures set forth...
For condo and homeowners association board members, there is even more to remember and thoroughly understand about insurance, above and beyond what is necessary for that individual’s own home or unit. According to Mack, “These terms include total insured value, co-insurance requirements, admitted...
Further, the Division has reinstated the requirements and deadlines for financial reporting. As a result, for those associations that placed their annual financial reporting process on hold, now is the time to take action. What it Means for Florida Community Associations ...