Download About the map This Florida State Map displays major landmarks, federal lands, and populated places. Our map shows national forests, military bases, preserves, and wildlife refuges in Florida. Everglades National Parkis the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. It’s also ...
Our Web-based tool facilitates to share data globally, provide end-users a cost-saving solution to access up-to-date spatial datasets customized for a specific topic to users with limited GIS knowledge. Staff from state and regional agencies and others are making increased use of our Web-tool...
“I wanted to let you know how useful your site is. Someone in this office uses your site at least once a day. I don't know how you can bring so much data together for such a low price. This is a great resource and I would hope every Civil Engineer in Florida is aware of this...
In response, the Open GIS Consortium, with membership from main GIS and database software providers, has been working towards the development of a set of specifications that address interoperability. Building on this, Palm Beach County is in the process of implementing an Operational Data Model (...
Advances in GIS modeling techniques, particularly connectivity modeling (Cushman and Huettmann 2010), and the ongoing evolution of spatial data related to land use changes (Theobald et al. 2022) have significantly refined the FEGN. These refinements ensure that the FEGN effectively addresses ...
DATABASE SEARCH Results Filter By Parcel Unit: Block: Lot: Keyword: Water Type: Any WaterWell WaterCity Water Waste Type: Any WasteSeptic TankCity Sewer St #: Street: Download Options Plain Text File TXT Spreadsheet File CSV Select Counties ...
This Florida map shows cities, roads, rivers and lakes. Miami, Orlando and Jacksonville are some of the major cities shown in this map of Florida.
Changing to Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS—which lets users build native, cross-platform apps without doing any coding—has made it easier for the city to deliver its data to internal users. With its new apps, the city’s GIS division has been able to create more efficient workflows. The depart...
Sea Level Scenario Sketch Planning Tool GIS Data: Sea Level Rise (SLR) Inundation Surfaces. University of Florida GeoPlan Center Version 3. 2020. Available online: (accessed on 5 June 2022...
The Big Hickory Island shoreline is manually determined in GIS utilizing the common proxy-indicator of the visibly discernable coastal feature of the high-water line (HWL) from aerial photography [32,33]. The HWL is identified based on the change in color tone along a sandy beach (e.g., ...