FDEP, Florida Bureau of Mine Reclamation (1992) Integrated Habitat Network. FDOT (2023) FDOT traffic incident report data, Crash Data ...
K (2005) Development of GIS maps for southeast Florida coral reefs - Riegl, Walker, et al.Riegl B, Walker B, Foster G, Foster K (2005) Development of GIS maps for southeast Florida coral reefs. Miami BeachFL: Florida Department of Environmental Protection. DEP AGREEMENT NO. G0098; NOAA ...
The land use land cover data is prepared and maintained by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2017) and is publicly available online at: We used ArcMap 10.3.1 software (Environmental Systems Research ...
作者: Florida Department of Environmental Protection,DOW Management 摘要: DEP.CHAZ_SP is a denormalized table of data from the CHAZ database schema with geometry created using Oracle Spatial to support the following view-based ArcSDE layers: CHAZ, HFCs, HWTs, LQGs, SQGs, TSDs, and UOTs....
US Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Rocky Mt. Res. Stn. Fort Collins, Colorado; 2003. Epps SA. Parrots of South Florida. Sarasota: Pineapple Press, Inc.; 2007. Garrett KL. Population status and distribution of naturalized parrots in southern California. West Birds. 1997;28:181-95. Giannini ...
Available online: (accessed on 19 December 2015). Dean, R.G.; Dalrymple, R.A. Field techniques and analysis. In Coastal Processes: With Engineering Applications; Davis, R.G., Dalrymple, R.A., Eds.; ...
River flow measurements/forecasts and salinity measurements are gathered from a variety of sources such as NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service, Florida DEP, Florida Water Management Districts, and National Estuarine Research Reserves. These data serve as boundary conditions for flow and salinity ...