Florida3.6(n)affirmative defenseFlorida criminal lawVery little guidance is available to the practitioner for navigating Florida's Jury instruction 3.6(n) dealing with the affirmative defense of prescription drugSocial Science Electronic Publishing
A statewide grand jury convened at the request of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to investigate "any and all wrongdoing" concerning COVID-19 vaccines did not find any evidence of criminal activity, according to a report unsealed on Tuesday."(N)ot finding any indictable cri...
In February, he traveled to New York, Chicago and Philadelphia to speak to law enforcement groups on criminal justice matters. Legal and ethical questions have swirled around capital punishment in the United States in recent years as states have found it difficult to procure ...
Other states used the Florida law as a template to pass prohibitions on classroom instruction on gender identity or sexual orientation. Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and North Carolina are among the states with versions of the law. Under the terms of the settlement, the Florida ...
[4] Rule 3.510, Rules of Criminal Procedure, provides that whenever a person is tried for a crime and the criminal statutes provide that an attempt to commit such a crime is also a crime, it is mandatory that the court instruct the jury that it is entitled to find the accused person ...
The issuance of search-warrants is forbidden, except for probable cause, with specification of names and places and supported by oath (December of Rights, 22); also all offenses cognizable in Criminal Courts of Record are to be prosecuted upon information under oath (Constit., V, 28). By ...
Cannon said witness protection is "paramount," but she had to weigh that against the "openness of criminal proceedings" guaranteed by the Constitution. She said she was open to reasonable measures to protect safety. The special counsel also rejected Cannon's suggestion that the materials could be...