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Florida Supreme Court Approves Jury Instructions for Business LitigationCornell, Jason
Florida Statute § 741.28defines domestic violence as any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any other criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household...
A Florida appellate panel has upheld a jury's $13 million verdict in a suit that accused a machine rental company of failing to provide an auto repair shop owner with instructions for operating a floor resurfacer, which gave him carbon monoxide poisoning that led to his death. February 13,...
[4] Rule 3.510, Rules of Criminal Procedure, provides that whenever a person is tried for a crime and the criminal statutes provide that an attempt to commit such a crime is also a crime, it is mandatory that the court instruct the jury that it is entitled to find the accused person ...
Starting January 2022, Shook Miami Managing PartnerDan Rogerswill become chair of the Florida Supreme Court Standard Jury Instructions in Civil Cases Committee. Rogers, who previously served as vice chair, will lead a committee that was recently given final authority powers on jury instructions for ...
Florida issues new jury instructions on electronic communicationsCorrey Stephenson
SANFORD, Fla. - Jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman of allcharges were guided in their...Schneider, Mike
State Bar of Florida, Fasttrain Publication—How To Write Jury Instructions (co-author)Ann Kerr Stewart
The rebirth of the Florida standard civil jury instructions.Stewart, Larry S.Florida Bar Journal