Flood Fill to Color顾名思义就是填充成颜色,这个节点有两个入口,上面的入口就是连入Flood Fill节点,下面的入口可以连入颜色。如果下面的入口没有连接颜色,那么Flood Fill to Color节点只能填充黑白灰,已经黑白灰的随机性调节。 如果连入了颜色后,便可以填充连入的颜色,而且可以使用Flood Fill to Color的属性进行...
Flood Inundation Analysis Based on DEM The most commonly used algorithm for FIA is the seed inundation algorithm. The core of this meTthhoedmisostot cgoivmemceorntalyinupsheydsiaclagloprritohpmertfioers F(sIuAchisatshwe aseteerdleinvueln) dtoattihoensaelegdopriothinmts. aTnhdetcoosrperoeaf ...
The equation to calculate the enhanced Lee filter is given below: Yij = K0 + W × (C − K0) (12) where Yij is the despeckled image, K0 is the mean of the kernel/window, W is the weight factor, and C is the centre element in the kernel/window. The denoising algorithm based ...
SWAT Model Calibration and Validation Using the SUFI2 algorithm in SWAT-CUP, the sensitive parameters were adjusted to achieve the best UmsaintcghthbeetSwUeFeIn2 aolbgsoerrivthemd iannSdWsiAmTu-lCaUtePd, dthiescsheanrsgitei.veFpoarrtahmise, ttehres wineirtieaal dvjaulsuteeds ftooracphaireav...
One-dimensional dynamic wave algorithm was used for water flows on roads, in pipes, and rivers, and the weir equation was used to calculate the inflow process of gully inlets. A zero-flux boundary was prescribed for the whole surface area considering the surrounding walls, and the river ...