The flood fill algorithm takes three parameters: a start node, a target color, and a replacement color. The algorithm looks for all nodes in the array which are connected to the start node by a path of the target color, and changes them to the replacement color. There are many ways in ...
算法类源代码如下: package com.gloomyfish.paint.fill;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import;public class FloodFillAlgorithm extends AbstractBufferedImageOp {private BufferedImage inputImage;private int[] inPixels;private int width;private int height;// s...
算法类源代码如下: packagecom.gloomyfish.paint.fill;importjava.awt.image.BufferedImage;;publicclassFloodFillAlgorithmextendsAbstractBufferedImageOp {privateBufferedImage inputImage;privateint[] inPixels;privateintwidth;privateintheight;//stack data structurepriv...
算法类源代码如下: package com.gloomyfish.paint.fill;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import;public class FloodFillAlgorithm extends AbstractBufferedImageOp {private BufferedImage inputImage;private int[] inPixels;private int width;private int height;// s...
泛洪填充算法(Flood Fill Algorithm) 泛洪填充算法又称洪水填充算法是在很多图形绘制软件中常用的填充算法,最熟悉不过就是 windows paint的油漆桶功能。算法的原理很简单,就是从一个点开始附近像素点,填充成新 的颜色,直到封闭区域内的所有像素点都被填充新颜色为止。泛红填充实现最常见有四邻域 ...
导语 介绍了漫水填充算法(flood fill algorithm)的基本思想,实现方式和应用场景,OpenCV中floodFill函数的使用方法。 基本思想 漫水填充算法,顾名思义就像洪水漫过一样,把一块连通的区域填满,当然水要能漫过需要满足一定的条件,可以理解为满足条件的地方就是低洼的地方,水才能流过去。在图像处理中就是给定一个种子点...
Flood fill algorithm can be simply modeled as graph traversal problem, representing the given area as a matrix and considering every cell of that matrix as a vertex that is connected to points above it, below it, to right of it, and to left of it and in case of 8-connections, to the...
Pseudo Code of Flood Fill Algorithm Here is a basic pseudo-code representation of the flood fill algorithm using a recursive approach: procedure floodFill(x, y, newColor, originalColor): if pixel (x, y) is within image bounds and has originalColor: ...
Code Issues Pull requests Maze solver robot using Flood fill algorithm line-followingflood-fill-algorithmatmega2560 UpdatedApr 21, 2019 C++ This is a Flood-Fill Algorithm Visualizer. This algorithm is mainly used to determine the bounded area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array...
泛洪填充算法(Flood Fill Algorithm) 泛洪填充算法又称洪水填充算法是在很多图形绘制软件中常用的填充算法,最熟悉不过就是 windows paint的油漆桶功能。算法的原理很简单,就是从一个点开始附近像素点,填充成新 的颜色,直到封闭区域内的所有像素点都被填充新颜色为止。泛红填充实现最常见有四邻域 ...