Art of Ishi - the best flintknapped stone knives and authentic native american jewelry by expert flint-knapper, Mike Cook. Real stone arrowheads for sale.
HARDNESS: 7 CLEAVAGE: none CRYSTAL SYSTEM: none visible (actual crystals are microscopic) For natural Flint mineral specimens see our For Sale or Sold lists Flint is a variety of chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz) known for its ease of forming blades (including spear tips and arrowheads). It...
knives, scrapers, hoes, spades, and arrowheads can be found yet today after the winters thaw and spring plowing in many parts of Ohio. Interest in searching the fields for such artifacts spurred my fancy and curiosities in wondering just how the Indians made ...
A) I was on a weekly tv program called Carolina Camera , hosted by C. J Underwood in the 1970's. During the show, I demonstrated making arrowheads which was mainly by indirect percussion at the time. Q) What characteristics/material have you found to be the best for a hunting point?