Even though flint knapping was a neccesity in early Native American lives, I believe that they considered it an art form and took great pride in their work. I too have approached it as an art form. For this reason, every blade is painstakingly matched to the appropriate antler. I am a...
I am a modern flintknapper who practices replicating arrowheads, flint knives and artifacts from a broad span of prehistory. I also strive to expand the realm of flintknapping art that was practiced by elite, but unnamed prehistoric individuals from various parts of the world. The diversity of...
knives, scrapers, hoes, spades, and arrowheads can be found yet today after the winters thaw and spring plowing in many parts of Ohio. Interest in searching the fields for such artifacts spurred my fancy and curiosities in wondering just how the Indians made ...
HARDNESS: 7 CLEAVAGE: none CRYSTAL SYSTEM: none visible (actual crystals are microscopic) For natural Flint mineral specimens see our For Sale or Sold lists Flint is a variety of chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz) known for its ease of forming blades (including spear tips and arrowheads). It...
The ancient art of flintknapping brought to modern times. Several galleries of modern lithic art of modern made arrowheads, knife blades, and knives.