Error in ASM processing class,搜一下,很多说明 ,此回答整理自钉群“【①群】Apache Flink China...
参考答案: Error in ASM processing class,搜一下,很多说明 关于本问题的更多回答可点击进行查看: 问题四:按照flink官方文档写parquet报错怎么办? 按照flink官方文档写parquet报错?Exception in thread "main" Serializing t...
参考答案: Error in ASM processing class,搜一下,很多说明 关于本问题的更多回答可点击进行查看: /ask/653581 问题四:按照flink官方文档写parquet报错怎么办? 按照flink官方文档写parquet报错?Exception in thread "main" Serializing the source elements failed: ja...
TableurlCountTable=tableEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT user, COUNT(url) as cnt FROM EventTable GROUP BY user"); 当原始动态表不停地插入新的数据时,查询得到的 urlCountTable 会持续地进行更改。由于 count 数量可能会叠加增长,因此这里的更改操作可以是简单的插入(Insert),也可以是对之前数据的更新(Update)。这种持...
public class StreamBatchUnifiedDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception...
A streaming-first runtime that supports both batch processing and data streaming programs Elegant and fluent APIs in Java and Scala A runtime that supports very high throughput and low event latency at the same time Support for event time and out-of-order processing in the DataStream API,...
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project flink-hadoop-fs: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.flink:flink-hadoop-fs:jar:1.10.1: Could not find artifact org.apache.flink:flink-shaded-hadoop-2:jar:3.0.0-9.0 in nexus (
[hotfix][state] Add error message to precondition in HeapPriorityQueu… 3 years ago flink-scala-shell [FLINK-12102][tests] Fix FlinkILoopTest on Java 9 3 years ago flink-scala [FLINK-12390][build] Fully migrate to flink-shaded-asm-6 3 years ago flink-shaded-curator [FLINK-...
bash error 这个错误的原因如下链接: