Under the British legislation, qualifying employees have a right to request flexible working arrangements. The study found that when an employee's request to work flexibly is granted, there seem to be positive outcomes in terms of staff morale and staff motivation.Johnson...
It’s not just a UK initiative. The European Union (EU) has brought in the work-life balance directive. Along with other measures, it also introducessimilar flexible working measures. The UK legislation effectively mirrors the EU legislation. Flexible working is here to stay, and businesses will...
Flexible working legislation In some countries,like in the United Kingdom, all employees—not just parents or carers—have a legal right to request for a flexible working arrangement. This is called making a statutory application. In most cases, employees have to have been employed through their ...
While working parents were first given the formal right to seek flexible working in 2003, this was extended to all employees with 26 weeks of continuous employment in 2014. Now, the new legislation takes this a step further to enhance workers’ flexibility. Anticipated to come into effect in 2...
Largely driven by the pandemic, how many people work has changed hugely in recent years, with flexible and hybrid working becoming the norm for many employers and employees. However, this new legislation covers much more than where someone works, whether that’s hybrid, at home or at an alter...
UBCUK clients enjoy access to regular networking and social events at UBCUK business centres. From workshops and seminars to networking events and charity fundraisers, it’s a great way for our clients to meet their neighbours and generate new business.
Legislation has been passed covering working time and number of working hours permitted, the rights to equal treatment for those working part time, extending the length and pay of maternity leave, introducing both parental leave, paid paternity leave, parents' rights to request more flexible working...
Read all the latest news and views from the UBCUK blog and keep up to date with what’s happening in our business hubs, as well as the wider UK flexible workspace sector. Our blog covers UBCUK fundraising events, company announcements, small business new
In the UK, a flexible working law enacted in 2003 gives working parents the legal righttorequestaflexible workingenvironment. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 英國於 2003年制定彈 性 工作法 例,賦予在 職父母要求僱主提供彈性工作環境的法律 權利。
ng regulations 2014 SI 2014/1398 Flexible working regulations 2014SI 2014/1398 Flexible working regulations 2014Legislation UK