Looking at the message, it is sent infinitely in 100us units and the flexcan0_Callback function is not even called. Messages are sent even when Debug Stop is reached with T32 in infinite transmission state. Regardless of the 10ms routine, just send once and the transmission will continue ...
I am trying to convert my canbus code so that instead of transmitting data constantly using sendblocking it waits to receive a message and then sends out data based on the message received. I have this sample callback data from elsewhere example code, and am trying to understand how to ...
volatile bool rxComplete_can1 = false; volatile bool wakenUp = false; static FLEXCAN_CALLBACK(flexcan_callback) { PRINTF("mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"); switch (status) { case kStatus_Success: PRINTF("CAN message sent successfully.\n"); break; case kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxIdle: PRINTF...
the callback: static void flexcan_callback(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, status_t status, uint32_t result, void *userData) { switch (status) { /* Process FlexCAN Rx event. */ case kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxIdle: if (RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_N...
FLEXCAN_TransferCreateHandle(EXAMPLE_CAN0, &flexcanHandle, flexcan_callbackCAN0, NULL); Inside my CAN1 initialization I use: FLEXCAN_TransferCreateHandle(EXAMPLE_CAN1, &flexcanHandle, flexcan_callbackCAN1, NULL); The issue is that only one of the callbacks will ...
make two task, one receive can data and del ,the other transmit responsed can data , and i use FLEXCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback to send a queue, and receive task will receive it. but i found that i cant make these tasks, even i use the same word with example, could anyo...
Looking at the message, it is sent infinitely in 100us units and the flexcan0_Callback function is not even called. Messages are sent even when Debug Stop is reached with T32 in infinite transmission state.Regardless of the 10ms routine, just send once and the transmission will continue ve...
volatileboolrxComplete_can1=false; volatileboolwakenUp=false; staticFLEXCAN_CALLBACK(flexcan_callback) { PRINTF("mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"); switch(status) { casekStatus_Success: PRINTF("CAN message sent successfully.\n"); break; casekStatus_FLEXCAN_RxIdle: ...