This branch is 1 commit ahead, 623 commits behind MongoEngine:master. Contribute Latest commit Git stats 347 commits Files Failed to load latest commit information. Type Name Latest commit message Commit time docs examples flask_mongoengine tests .gitignore .travis.yml AUTHORS ...
This branch is 30 commits ahead of MongoEngine:master. #2 Latest commit idocyabra test flask 3.0.0 e244408 Oct 4, 2023 Git stats 999 commits Files Type Name Latest commit message Commit time .github Update tests.yml September 26, 2023 17:16 docs temp change the version of flask-...
例如,如果需要将Python值添加到具有MongoEngine标签的所有Post文档的名为标签的ListField中: >>> Post.objects( tags__in="MongoEngine", tags__not__in="Python" ).update(push__tags="Python") 相同的写关注参数对于更新存在。 >>> Post.objects( tags__in="MongoEngine" ).update(push__tags="Python",...
在Flask框架中使用MongoEngine需要通过Flask-MongoEngine包来对MongoEngine进行配置。 Flask-MongoEngine是MongoEngine的Flask封装。 MongoEngine是在pyMongo的基础上构建的一个文档对象映射器,为用户提供基本的数据模型以及类型约束,并对PyMongo的数据查询做了进一步的封装,避免直接书写MongoDB查询语句,简化数据查询。 安装 安装方式...
安装flask_mongoengine: pip install rednose pip install nose pip install coverage pip install flask_mongoengine 5、配置Nginx(运维操作,待学习) 6、配置supervisrod(运维操作,待学习) 7、添加我们要管理的进程的配置文件:一般都写到supervisord.conf 文件下 ...
microtype .gitattributes .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE requirements.txt microtype ##Flask Blog Mongodb pip install virtualenv virtualenv .env --no-site-packages #linux source .env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt #windows cd .env/scripts/ ...
Flask-MongoRest- RESTful API framework wrapped aroundMongoEngine. Flask-RESTful- Quickly build RESTful APIs. RESTful API + Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation Support Connexion- Open source, OpenAPI-based, REST framework built on top of Flask. Flask-Rebar- Combines Flask,marshmallow, andOpenAPIfor robust RES...
and Mongo is the easiest, flexible and most suitable NoSQL for CMS, also there is excellent extensions for Flask (MongoEngine and Flask-Admin) which supports MongoDB! Why the project is named "Quokka?" Because it is the happiest animal in the world! 20 FACTS ABOUT QUOKKAS Happiest animal ...
.gitignore AUTHORS LICENSE pyproject.toml requirements.txt setup.cfg tox.ini Flask-MongoRest A Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine. Setup from flask import Flask from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine from flask_mongorest import MongoRest ...
MongoEngine, pymongo and Peewee.It also boasts a simple file management interface and a redis client console.The biggest feature of Flask-Admin is flexibility. It aims to provide a set of simple tools that can be used for building admin interfaces of any complexity. So, to start off with ...