We still maintain special case forFlask= 1.1.4 support (the latest version in 1.x.x branch). To install flask-mongoengine with required dependencies uselegacyextra option. #With Flask 1.1.4 dependenciespip install flask-mongoengine[legacy] ...
// Flask-MongoEngine // MongoEngine for you flask app ~ What is Flask-MongoEngine? A Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine. It handles connection management for your app. You can also use WTForms as model forms for your models. ~ Where are the docs? You can find the ...
Flask-MongoEngine是MongoEngine的Flask封装,针对Flask对MongoEngine做出了一些拓展,而MongoEngine则是在PyMongo的基础上构建的一个类似于SQLAlchemy的对象文档映射器(Object-Document Mapper, ODM),为用户提供基本的数据模型以及类型约束,并对PyMongo的数据查询做了进一步的封装,避免直接书写MongoDB查询语句,简化数据查询。 PyMon...
db = MongoEngine() mako = MakoTemplates() 同样在create_app里面初始化(https://github.com/dongweiming/commentbox/blob/master/app.py#L18): fromextimportdb,makodefcreate_app():app=Flask(__name__,template_folder='templates',static_folder='static')app.config.from_object(config)mako.init_app(ap...
Flask-MongoEngine 是一款专为 Flask Web 应用程序设计的扩展库,它简化了开发者使用 MongoDB 作为后端数据库的过程。这款强大的工具不仅提升了开发效率,还使得数据操作变得更加简单直观。Flask-MongoEngine 的代码库公开在 GitHub 上,方便开发者们随时查阅和贡献。
Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine. Contribute to closeio/flask-mongorest development by creating an account on GitHub.
flask_mongoengine/json.py 87.31% ⭐ 87.25% ⭐ -0.06% 👎 Here are some functions in these files that still need a tune-up: FileFunctionComplexityLengthWorking MemoryQualityRecommendation Legend and Explanation The emojis denote the absolute quality of the code: ⭐ excellent 🙂 good 😞 po...
MongoEngine, pymongo and Peewee.It also boasts a simple file management interface and a redis client console.The biggest feature of Flask-Admin is flexibility. It aims to provide a set of simple tools that can be used for building admin interfaces of any complexity. So, to start off with ...
flask-mongoengine flask操作mongodb的插件,基于mongoengineflask-mongoengine - github:github.com/MongoEngine/flask-mongoengine文档:https://flask-mongoengine.readthedocs.io flask mongoengine的使用(一)查询:jianshu.com/p/fe6727f54 参考资料 MongoDB官网:mongodb.com/ MongoDB中文站(感觉东西不是特别全,不如菜鸟和...
master Breadcrumbs flask-admin / TODO.txt Latest commit HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 6 lines (6 loc) · 146 Bytes Raw 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Python 3 - Test for raw wtforms form - Model backends - model_changed callback to accept 3rd parameter - MongoEngine - ...