1.2 Client 部分 2、Docker 部分 2.1 docker 安装 2.1.1 Win11 操作系统 Docker Engine 版本 Docker Desktop 版本(不推荐,资源消耗大) 2.1.2 Ubuntu 操作系统 2.2 docker 工作流程 2.2.0 使用 pipreqs 库在当前项目目录下生成 requirements.txt 2.2.1 Dockerfile 文件编写 2.2.2 Docker 镜像...
Flask的服务,默认是同步的,在接收多个请求是会发生阻塞的,导致打开页面变的很慢,很卡,如下一个flask服务:-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from seleniumimport webdriver from bs4import BeautifulSoup import time import json from pymongoimport MongoClient from zhimaipimport getdail...
@api.route('/register')defcreate_client():# request.json 用来接收json类型的参数 data=request.json # 关键字参数data是wtform中用来接收json参数的方法 form=ClientForm(data=data)ifform.validate():# 替代switchcase-{Enum_name:handle_func}promise={ClientTypeEnum.USER_EMAIL:__register_user_by_email...
What was originally a perl script wrapper on top of SAS's insight function is now a lightweight web client on top of Pandas data structures. In The News Man Institute (warning: contains deprecated functionality) Python Bytes towards data science Tutorials Pip Install Python YouTube Channel ...
clientsocket, addr = serversocket.accept() print("连接地址:%s" % str(addr)) try: t = ServerThreading(clientsocket) # 为每一个请求开启一个处理线程 t.start() pass except Exception as identifier: print(identifier) pass pass serversocket.close() ...
Sending Requests with the Test Client Following Redirects Accessing and Modifying the Session Running Commands with the CLI Runner Tests that depend on an Active Context Handling Application Errors Error Logging Tools Error Handlers Custom Error Pages ...
What was originally a perl script wrapper on top of SAS's insight function is now a lightweight web client on top of Pandas data structures. In The News Man Institute (warning: contains deprecated functionality) Python Bytes Contents Getting Started Python Terminal Jupyter Notebook Google Colab...
This option is deprecated since v3.3.0 and has been removed in v4.We recommend instead using client-side templating or a data binding framework, or callingjQuery.loadyourself. 如果提供的是 URL,将利用 jQuery 的 load 方法从此 URL 地址加载要展示的内容(只加载一次)并插入 .modal-content 内。如果...