安装Flask的异步'extra'依赖包: 为了使用Flask的异步视图功能,你需要安装带有异步“extra”的Flask。这可以通过以下命令完成: bash pip install flask[async] 这个命令会安装Flask以及它需要的异步支持依赖项。 完成上述步骤后,你就可以在Flask应用中定义异步视图函数了。例如: python from flask import Flask, jsonify...
Routes, error handlers, before request, after request, and teardown functions can all be coroutine functions if Flask is installed with theasyncextra (pipinstallflask[async]). This allows views to be defined withasyncdefand useawait. @app.route("/get-data")asyncdefget_data():data=awaitasync...
@app.get('/') asyncdefindex(): return{'code':100,'msg':'成功'} @app.post('/login') asyncdeflogin(item:Item): print(item.name) print(item.age) returnitem if__name__ =='__main__': importuvicorn uvicorn.run(app='myfirstfastapi:app',port=8001) 6 显示用户案例 ''' 学到的 1 ...
async def a(x=3): # async 引领异步定义,异步调用,创造一个协程 for i in range(x): out = "a.x {}".format(i) print(out) await asyncio.sleep(0.0001) # 使用awiat和yield区分开来,使得协程和生成器区分开来 async def b(x=3): for i in range(x): ...
_support_async:bool=False session_factory: sessionmaker[_S] registry: ScopedRegistry[_S] def__init__( self, session_factory: sessionmaker[_S], scopefunc:Optional[Callable[[],Any]] =None, ): self.session_factory = session_factory
copy_current_request_context can decorate async functions. :pr:`4303` The CLI uses importlib.metadata instead of pkg_resources to load command entry points. :issue:`4419` Overriding FlaskClient.open will not cause an error on redirect. :issue:`3396` Add an --exclude-patterns option to the ...
应用要发送大量电子邮件时,使用专门发送电子邮件的作业要比给每封邮件都新建一个线程更合适。例如,我们可以把执行send_async_email()函数的操作发给Celery任务队列 from threading import Thread def send_async_email(app, msg): with app.app_context(): ...
request_started.send(self, _async_wrapper=self.ensure_sync) # 预处理请求, 前置中间件 rv = self.preprocess_request() if rv is None: # 执行具体的视图 rv = self.dispatch_request() except Exception as e: rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) # 对请求进行后置处理 return self.finalize_request...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} vanna-ai / vanna-nextjs-flask Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 14 Star 19 ...