Oracle 闪回归档(Flashback Database) cmd --管理员身份打开 sqlplus / as sysdba --管理数据库 shu immediate; --独占方式开始 startup mount --修改日期模式 alter database archivelog; --开始DB闪回 alter database flashback on; --开启数据库 alter database open; --查看数据库的归档模式及闪回是否...
2.3.1 Oracle 闪回特性(FLASHBACK DATABASE) 转载自:闪回技术通常用于快速简单恢复数据库中出现的认为误操作等逻辑错误,从闪回的方式可以分为基于数据库级别闪回、表级别闪回、事务级别闪回,根据闪回对数据的影响程度又可以分为闪回恢复,闪回查询。闪回恢复将修改...
SQL>SELECToldest_flashback_scn,to_char(oldest_flashback_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') FROM v$flashback_database_log; 数据库的FLASHBACK需要在数据库服务器处于MOUNT状态时进行。例如: SQL>SHUTDOWN;SQL>STARTUP MOUNT;SQL>FLASHBACKDATABASETOTIMESTAMPto_timestamp('2015-11-30 16:00:00','YYYY-...
Correcting an error takes about as long as it took to make it with Flashback. In addition, the time required to recover from this error is not dependent on the database size, a capability unique to the Oracle Database.Overview Features ...
Flashback supports database recovery at all levels, including the row, transaction, table, and the entire database.
-- Oracle 闪回特性(FLASHBACK DATABASE) --=== 闪回技术通常用于快速简单恢复数据库中出现的认为误操作等逻辑错误,从闪回的方式可以分为基于数据库级别闪回、表级别闪回、事务 级别闪回,根据闪回对数据的影响程度又可以分为闪回恢复,闪回查询。闪回恢复将修改数据,闪回点之后的数据将全部丢失。而闪回查询则可 以查...
ORA-38761: redo log sequence 18636 in thread 1, incarnation 2 could not be accessed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 需要从主库或者备份文件获得,传输到备库后注册进rman,然后重新执行flashback database。 rman target / RMAN> catalog archivelog '/archivelog/2017_12_27/1_18636_870799604.dbf'; ...
因为删除了flashback文件,在数据库open的时候turn on flashback database失败,故将database flashback属性先置为off将数据库Open,再重新trun on flashback 后数据库即可打开. 过程如下: SQL> startup ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytes ...
Besides using it in flashback features, Oracle Database uses undo data to perform these actions: Roll back active transactions Recover terminated transactions by using database or process recovery Provide read consistency for SQL queries Note: After executing a CREATE TABLE statement, wait at ...
When you issue a FLASHBACK DATABASE statement, Oracle Database first verifies that all required archived and online redo logs are available. If they are available, then it reverts all currently online data files in the database to the SCN or time specified in this statement. The amount of...