在9i中oracle引入flashback查询,依赖于undo表空间存储的信息来闪回查询曾经的版本号。 当然这个受限于undo表空间的大小。以及保留策略。 在10g中oracle又引入了新的flashback功能,使用了flash recovery area来存储flashback 1og等等。 这个区域默认创建在oracle_base文件夹下。 在当中能够存放备份集、镜像拷贝、归档日志...
What is the outcome of this command? A.The table uses the default Flashback Data Archive. B.The Flashback Data Archive Is created In the SYSAUX tablespace. C.The Flashback Data Archive is created in the same tablespace where the tables are stored. D.The command generates an error because ...
To free space in the FRA we could do take a backup of the Flash Recovery Area using the command BACKUP RECOVERY AREA.This command will take the backup of all the files in the FRA to tape only. After this the space occupied by the files in the FRA will be marked as reclaimable。 the...
Continuous Data Archive Offers continuous archival of changes to comply with industry and government regulations. Easy to Use Revert the database or a table to a previous point in time with a single command. Query data from the past with a single SELECT statement.Flash...
The command completed successfully #---以上情况,数据库ORCL启动,监听启动,ORCL数据库监听未注册 (3)注册监听 [oracle@h1 ~]$ sqlplus "/as SYSDBA" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Nov 11 21:00:04 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, ...
Revert the database or a table to a previous point in time with a single command. Query data from the past with a single SELECT statement. Flashback Technologies Resources Blogs Why is Flashback often better than backups? Why snapshots are not backups ...
为了保存管理和备份恢复相关的文件,oracle10g提供了一个叫做闪回恢复区(Flashback recovery area),这个区域默认创建在oracle_base目录下。可以将所有恢复相关的文件,比如flashback log,archive log,backup set等,放到这个区域集中管理。设置闪回恢复区...
曾经发生的一次故障,让想起了在Oracle Data Guard环境中配置flashback databae功能的必要性;这样在primary库中用户不小心做truncate或其他不便回退操作时,也可以在standbay上做一下flashback database后只读模式打开standby库,将丢失数据导出或dblink方式传输到其他数据库中。
ORA-1153 trying to turn on Flashback for Physical Standby Database (Doc ID 1286863.1) Solution如下 In order to enable the flashback, the recovery has to be stopped. You can use the following command to stop the recovery on standby database SQL> alter database recover managed standby data...
oracle flashback 闪回功能,可以闪回删除的表数据,闪回drop的table以及闪回数据库到某个时间点。 除了Flashback Drop之外的所有逻辑闪回特性都是利用undo data完成的,而Flashback Drop是利用 recycle bin 完成,把drop的表存放在回收站,flashback时直接从回收站恢复。