- unpasteurized juice and dairy - raw sprouts- commercially premade meat or seafood- refrigerated smoked seafood- meat spreads from deli- raw dough- unheated deli meat and hotdogs - caffeine (limit intake to 200-300 mg/day)- high levels of mercury When do you get the trap in pregnancy?
foods to be avoided during pregnancy deli meats, unpasteurized milk, uncooked hot dogs, soft cheeses, some raw veg (sprouts), high mercury fish (tilefish, shark, king mackerel, swordfish) Prolactin breastfeeding hormone stimulates milk production ...
Limit juice to 4-6 ounces per day.Dilute juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. When do infants develop the pincer grasp? Around 9-12 months of age. Which finger foods should be avoided? Small, round foods like grapes and hot dogs, which can pose a choking hazard. How long should you ...
undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized milk and juices, raw fruit and vegetables, contaminated water, and person-to-person contact listeria (bacteria) unpasteurized milk, fresh soft cheeses, lunchmeats, hot dogs low birth weight less than 5.5 pounds fetus the stage of human gestation from eight ...
donor milk is screened, tested and processed (pasteurized) for distribution to local milk banks pasteurization necessary to eliminate harmful bacteria, some nutrients lost in this process WIC food for women and children milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, fruit/vegetables, whole wheat bread, canned...
B. drink pasteurized skim milkC. eat iron-rich foodsD. drink fruit juice A. not be given nighttime bottles A mother asks about healthy snacks for her three children under 4 years old. All are wise choices the dental hygienist can recommend, exceptone. Which is the exception? A. low-fat...
- PID, ectopic pregnancy, infertility in women Bacterial infection (reproductive): Syphilis - Treponema pallidum - fastidious & sensitive, cannot survive long outside of host - sores, then body rash, then internal organ infection - Primary Syphilis: spirochete binds to epithelium, multiplies, and ...
An individual who consumed undercooked hamburger during a backyard barbecue An individual who consumed pasteurized apple juice An individual who consumed fully cooked hamburger during a backyard barbecue An individual who properly washed her hands after using the restroom An individual who consumed undercoo...
Do not eat soft cheeses such as feta, brie, and queso fresco unless they are pasteurized. Cook meat until well done - juices should run clear and there should be no pink inside. Do not eat hot dogs, luncheon meats, or deli meats, unless reheated until steaming hot. These undercooked ...
RDA for all women is 400 mcg/d but increased to 600 during pregnancy; helps with DNA synthesis and cell division (neural tube formation 21-28 days after conception), maternal macrocytic anemia; in leafy greens, legumes, orange juice, avocado, enriched or fortified foods vitamin b12 RDA is 2....