于是找到网上牛人放出的山寨版《flappy bird》之clumsy-bird,来简单研究一下源码吧,顺便从零学习一下canvas和Js一些东西,作为记录。 clumsy-bird的github地址为:https://github.com/ellisonleao/clumsy-bird 在线试玩地址:http://ellisonleao.github.io/clumsy-bird/(保证你的浏览器支持html5哟) 一、源码框架介绍 ...
else if(birdx+birdwidth>pipeoncanvas[1][0]&&birdx+birdwidth<pipeoncanvas[1][0]+pipewidth+birdwidth){ //假设鸟在y轴上与第二组管道上部或下部重合 if(birdy<backgroundheight-pipeoncanvas[1][1]-blankwidth||birdy+birdheight>backgroundheight-pipeoncanvas[1][1]) gamestate=2; //游戏结束 }...
我根据教程自己学着做了一个FlappyBird,新添加了一个暂停按钮。 GitHub项目地址:https://github.com/LinYi6/GameFramework-My_FlappyBird 一、关于流程的一些记录 GameFramework主要还是基于流程的,不同场景是对流程的切换,然后在流程里面实现功能。比如点击开始游戏时从ProcedureMenu切换到ProcedureMain流程,游戏结束选择...
How to Play Flappy Bird Free Flappy Bird game. Click on the screen or use your spacebar to get the game started. Fly flappy bird as far as you can without hitting any of the pipes. Simple, but infuriating fun! Game Controls Follow the instructions on the game screen. Screen Shots...
Have a good time with your spare times! Easily and interesting! Flap your wings to fly ... [How to play] > Tap to flap your wings to fly. > Compete with you…
Flappy Bird is a classic retro challenge. At first, it simply seems too hard to be any fun as you fail again and again. But as you keep trying in the family progress is slowly made. What we love about the game is how it teaches resilience to keep going when something seems impossible...
<htmllang="en"dir="ltr"> <head> <metacharset="utf-8"> <title>Flappy Bird Clone</title> <scriptsrc="https://code.createjs.com/1.0.0/createjs.min.js"></script> <scriptsrc="game.js"></script> </head> <bodyonload="init()"> ...
This is the source code of Flappy Bird version created with Felgo. The game runs with Felgo on iOS, Android and on all desktop platforms. - FelgoSDK/FlappyBird
flappy bird 共有7个软件 flappy bird游戏想必很多朋友都听过,看到很多玩家都在寻找这款游戏的原版,小编今天就为大家整理了这个合集,游戏非常的虐心,如果你的耐心不够好,可能会玩这个游戏玩的抓狂,变态的难度令人印象深刻,游戏操作非常简单,没有复杂的剧情或是操作技巧,玩家只需通过点击屏幕操纵一只小鸟避开象《超级...
flappy_bird 素材资源 该资源是flappy bird游戏涉及到的素材资源,包括背景、管道、小鸟的不同状态以及游戏开始、重启、失败等。 上传者:baidu_26137595时间:2022-09-12 flappy_bird_pygame.zip "flappy bird" Python code with pygame framework. Multi-scene structure. ...