"flag provided but not defined: -rpc" 表示在运行程序时,尝试使用了 -rpc 这个标志,但是在程序中并没有定义这个标志。 查找可能导致此错误的上下文或程序: 检查你的程序或脚本,看看在哪里使用了 -rpc 标志。 如果是在命令行工具中,查看该工具的文档或使用说明,确认是否有 -rpc 这个标志。 检查程序中是否定...
1 flag provided but not defined: -test.timeout 很显然,跑go test时涉及到了flag解析。 go test是以package为单位进行测试的(无论是否通过-run指定特性test函数),所以一定是test所在的包内包含了flag解析逻辑或import了需要进行flag解析的其他package. 此错误有些类似于package的循环引用。 一般来说考虑如下解除方...
flag provided but not defined:-xxxxx' 错误。 原因是把 flag.Parse() 调用放在了获取参数之前。应该在获取参数之后调用flag.Parse() 代码语言:javascript 复制 import("flag""fmt")funcmain(){username:=flag.String("username","defaultName","username")// 放在获取参数之后flag.Parse()fmt.Println("username...
Output Incorrect Usage. flag provided but not defined: -agent-token NAME: rke2 etcd-snapshot - Trigger an immediate etcd snapshot USAGE: rke2 etcd-snapshot command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: delete Delete given snapshot(s) ...
1. -test.v是testing包中定义的命令行参数,flag provided but not defined 是flag包的Parse()方法调用时抛的异常。 2. 测试代码中有引用自定义的参数命令行参数,再底层引用中找到了下面这段代码 var usr1 = flag.String("usr1", "", "user defined flag -usr1") var usr2 = flag.String("usr2", ...
flag provided but not defined: -abc golang-flag provided but not defined: -abc go-bot May 30, 2018 正如错误提示所说,是你传入了一个没有定义的flag。比如,你的代码里定义的flag是config: // Parse command-line argumentsvarconfigPathstringflag.StringVar(&configPath,"config","","path of ...
flag provided but not defined:–network 从这句话中我大概理解为–network这个flag没有定义,查了一下应该改为–net=host,改完后正常。 参考:https://blog./liukuan73/ 点赞(0)踩踩(0)反馈 所需:1积分电信网络下载 在100ASK-IMX6ULL板子上支持其他型号的屏幕.docx ...
Running the etcd-snapshot commands throw an error flag provided but not defined: -profile. Steps To Reproduce: Have the profile set in the config file and run the etcd-snapshot which loads the default config. Expected behavior: Runs snapshot. Actual behavior: Throw error saying flag profile ...
The error message “docker flag provided but not defined: --platform” typically occurs when you try to use the--platformflag in a Docker command, but your Docker installation does not support it. The--platformflag was introduced in Docker version 19.03 as a way to specify the target platfor...
flag provided but not defined: -logtostderr Usage of ./kubelet-rubber-stamp: -kubeconfig string Paths to a kubeconfig. Only requiredifout-of-cluster. -master --kubeconfig (Deprecated: switch to --kubeconfig) The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any valueinkubeconfig. Only ...