针对您遇到的Docker错误“error response from daemon: oci runtime error: flag provided but not defined”,这个问题通常与Docker运行时配置或启动容器的命令中使用了不被支持的标志(flag)或参数有关。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤,帮助您诊断和修正: 1. 理解错误信息 错误信息“flag provided but not defined”明确...
错误。 原因是把 flag.Parse() 调用放在了获取参数之前。应该在获取参数之后调用flag.Parse() 代码语言:javascript 复制 import("flag""fmt")funcmain(){username:=flag.String("username","defaultName","username")// 放在获取参数之后flag.Parse()fmt.Println("username=",*username)}...
正如错误提示所说,是你传入了一个没有定义的flag。比如,你的代码里定义的flag是config: // Parse command-line argumentsvarconfigPathstringflag.StringVar(&configPath,"config","","path of application config file")flag.Parse() 但是传入的不是config,而是另一个,比如abc: ...
Hello I know that the -src flag is discontinued. But how are the features it was providing offered now? i believe that the tutorial has also to be upgraded to reflect this
执行docker run --help ,并没有看到--ip的用法。我的docker版本是Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5 回复 2018-06-12 00:05:12 神思者 回复 提问者 XquanZeng #3 应该不是Docker版本的问题,删除net1网段,然后用docker network create --subnet= net1 重新创建net1网段试试 回复 ...
在Go中,如果要接收命令行参数,需要使用flag包进行解析。不同的参数类型可以通过不同的方法接收。 2.参数接受 2.1 接受方式 使用flag接收参数,可以由以下三种方式接受: 方式一:flag.Type(name,defaultVal,desc) 方式二:flag.TypeVar(&flagVar,name,defaultVal,desc) ...
Hi devs, i've set up a 3 node etcd cluster on some raspberry pi 4s using docker. etcd is compiled from source during docker image build using go version 1.15.8. Perhabs because i am using sdcards instead of ssd for storage during testing...
Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -configngrok .exe 和ngrok.cfg 文件都有,用ngrok http 8080指令在cmd 中出现 ngrok by @inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quSession Status online Version 2.2.8 Region United States (us) Web Interface
Checking Docker Version Before using the--platformflag, it is essential to ensure that your Docker version supports it. You can check your Docker version by running the following command: $dockerversion 1. The output will display the client and server versions of Docker installed on your system...
v0.38.0 Run Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac OS) >Go: Locate Configured Go Toolscommand. Checking configured tools... GOBIN: /home/aaron/Documents/workspace/gobin toolsGopath: gopath: /home/aaron/go GOROOT: /usr/lib/go-1.18 PATH: /home/aaron/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/loc...