And We Have The Highest Rated Concealed Carry Masterclass on Yelp 4 Years in a Row! We Want To Help Guide You On Your Journey To Becoming a Safe, Responsible, and Confident Firearm Owner Firearm Training in Tampa & Brandon, FL.
While many places offer a “Florida Concealed Carry” course for less, they won’t teach you more. Don’t be fooled. This course is routinely a $100+ class! TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE! Simply click on ticket link to secure your seat for class now! We limit class size to ...
We offer a variety of courses to meet your individual needs. Concealed Carry License Training held in Plant City. These firearm training classes are near Lakeland, and Tampa FL. Come In, and Welcome.
My law office is equipped to assist clients from a full-service perspective. If you experienced cybercrime or concealed carry bias, I will protect your rights!
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Deadly Force, Shoot/No Shoot Simulator When it comes to a real life, live or die, self-defense event, some of us think we know
Active Shooter Response Training,Security Guard / Officer and Firearm Training and Instruction. NRA Instructor Courses. Basic Concealed Carry to Advanced Firearm, Pistol training and certification.
104.17.9 Certification may be withdrawn, rescinded, or suspended if, upon investigation, it is found that the certified person has failed to enforce the code, abused the powers of office, or withheld or concealed information on the application which, if known to BORA, ma...
And We Have The Highest Rated Concealed Carry Masterclass on Yelp 4 Years in a Row! We Want To Help Guide You On Your Journey To Becoming a Safe, Responsible, and Confident Firearm Owner Firearm Training in Tampa & Brandon, FL.