With over eight years of experience as a content writer, Cathy has a knack for untangling complex information. Her natural curiosity and ability to empathize help Cathy offer insightful, friendly advice. She believes in empowering readers who may not feel confident about a purchase, project, or ...
Disclaimer: If unsure about legality of carrying or transporting in specific location or situation, contact local law enforcement or legal counsel. Laws change frequently and are subject to interpretation. This application implies no warranty and does not constitute legal advice. By using this app, ...
Disclaimer: If unsure about legality of carrying or transporting in specific location or situation, contact local law enforcement or legal counsel. Laws change frequently and are subject to interpretation. This application implies no warranty and does not constitute legal advice. By using this app, ...
Much ado was made of Al Smith’s appointment as “Honorary Night Superintendent”—in these clips from the Dec. 3 New York Times, Smith gave a brief “lecture” about the zoo’s bison, to which he offered a slice of bread… (Excerpts from The New York Times via the TimesMachine) *...
Background Over the last 30 years, public opinion and state level legislation regarding the concealed-carry of firearms have shifted dramatically. Previous studies of potential effects have yielded mixed results, making policy recommendations difficult. We investigated whether liberalization of state level ...
This comprehensive app empowers the law-abiding CCW (concealed or open carry permit) holder (or anyone who wants to lawfully transport a firearm in any state.)…
887872872TexasFloridaVirginiaCaliforniaPennsylvaniaGeorgiaArizonaNorth CarolinaOhioAlabamaWashingtonIndianaLouisianaTennesseeColoradoIllinoisWyomingMarylandArkansasMinnesotaNew MexicoSouth CarolinaNevadaUtahMissouriMichiganKentuckyOklahomaNew JerseyOregonWisconsinNew YorkMississippiIdahoConnecticutDistrict of ColumbiaNew HampshireKansas...
For example, if a Maine resident did not meet the permit requirements of his or her state, but could obtain a permit from, say, Florida, that person would be able to carry a concealed weapon under a Florida permit in every state except her home state home state of Maine – ...
We are, The #1 New York State 16 HourConcealedCarry License Class provider. CCIA (ConcealedCarry Improvement Act) Class, Approved by the NY DCJS and New York State Police. Have a question?Send us an e-mail or give us a call, we’re here to help you. And if we’re not available ...
LTCF – License to Carry Firearm State Statuses Shall Issue May Issue Constitutional Carry Rights Denied Each state uses different definitions to describe the act of legally carrying a handgun in public. In general, they all mean the same thing. You can refer to these as concealed carry permits...