错误表明系统试图访问一个名为“map”的固定框架(fixed frame),但未能找到。 理解错误信息的含义: 错误信息“fixed frame [map] does not exist”直接指出了问题的核心:系统中缺少一个名为“map”的固定框架。这通常是因为相关节点没有正确发布这个框架,或者在代码中引用了不存在的框架名。 检查相关的配置文件或...
natnet_roscommit:94127eb python_natnetbranch: dev python_natnetcommit: 0aecc86 Describe the bug When trying to visualize the topics containing data received from Motive, usingrviz, I get the errorFor frame [mocap]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist. This happens for real Motive data as we...
RVIZ 使用的时候如果fixed frame选项设置不正确,那么就会无法显示显示相应的数据信息,并提示一下错误:“For frame [XX]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist” topic报frame 、transform之类错误,就有两个办法, 1.把global fixed frame设成topic自己所在的坐标系,按照上图的显示,应该改为tramcar; 2.用tf包工具...
I made a Nav2_Costmap2d plugin (had no problem in the build) (https://navigation.ros.org/plugin_tutorials/docs/writing_new_costmap2d_plugin.html#tutorial-steps) & enabled it in Nav2_params.yaml as given in doc but when I run turtlebot in...
1. ROS中base_link, odom, fixed_frame, target_frame和虚拟大地图map的关系 一般在urdf文件中都要定义base_link,它代表了机器人的主干,其它所有的frame都是相对于base_link定义并粘在一起的。它们一起相对于大地图map移动,让机器人移动就是向tf发布 geometry_msgs::TransformStamped 消息通知ros base_linke相对于...
rviz Fixed frame: rviz fame [map] does not exist rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 odom my_frame 10
What happens when the bug occurs?The Sims pregnancy does not progress, has no time frame for next trimester or give birth What do you expect to see?The Sims pregnancy to progress like normal, then give birth Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods...
boolDoes the object exist? operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object. operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. Messages OnJointBreakВызываетсяприразрушениисустава, прикрепленно...
[FIXED] Glasses frame distorted","readOnly":true,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:11726548"},"body":"@ThatShad This is also happening on Console as well.","body@stringLength":"165","rawBody":"@ThatShad This is also happening on Console as ...
If not, what are the versions of ROS, RVIZ, and the zed-ros-wrapper?Author lewisanderson commented May 21, 2016 When I open the dropdown in rviz, nothing appears (besides "map"). So I have to manually type the fixed frame value (either zed_point_cloud or zed_optical_frame). I ...