1. What is Money Lobang's National Average Fixed Deposit Rates? 2. Singapore Average Fixed Deposit Interest Rates History Chart 3. Historical Average Fixed Deposit Interest Rates for Past Year 4. Will Fixed Deposit Rates Increase in 2024? 5. How is Average Fixed Deposit Rates Calculated? 6....
In a statement on Oct 3, UOB claims these are the highest rates among the three local banks. To enjoy UOB’s promotional rates, customers must deposit fresh funds of at least $20,000. To continue reading our premium articles, Upgrade your subscription to as low as$8.33/month...
sdiscretion.3.Allpromotionalinterestratesarequotedasat14September2007.Promotionalratesareapplicabletoindividualsforalimitedperiodonlyandsubjecttochangewithoutpriornotice.Alldepositsmustbemadewithnewfundsonly(i.e.fundsnottransferredfromanexistingUOBsavings/current/fixeddepositaccount or via UOB cheques, Cashier’s ...