UOB has raised promotional rates on its Singapore dollar fixed deposits, with 10-, 12- and 15-month tenors now at 2.8%, 2.9% and 3.0% p.a. respectively. This is up from last month’s headline rate of 2.8% p.a. In a statement on Oct 3, UOB claims these are the hi...
1. What is Money Lobang's National Average Fixed Deposit Rates? 2. Singapore Average Fixed Deposit Interest Rates History Chart 3. Historical Average Fixed Deposit Interest Rates for Past Year 4. Will Fixed Deposit Rates Increase in 2024? 5. How is Average Fixed Deposit Rates Calculated? 6....
sdiscretion.3.Allpromotionalinterestratesarequotedasat14September2007.Promotionalratesareapplicabletoindividualsforalimitedperiodonlyandsubjecttochangewithoutpriornotice.Alldepositsmustbemadewithnewfundsonly(i.e.fundsnottransferredfromanexistingUOBsavings/current/fixeddepositaccount or via UOB cheques, Cashier’s ...
(i.e. not transferred from existing UOB deposit accounts). We reserve the right to change the promotional rates without prior notice. About United Overseas Bank UOB is a leading bank in Singapore that provides a wide range of financial services through its global network of 503 branches, ...
Uob launches 15-month Pegged Fixed Deposit Mortgage Rate by Paul Ho 8 years ago 2 Shares Sibor Interest rates set to continue rise, says Fed member by Ravi Chandran 6 years ago Refinance Home loanResidential Property LoanSibor Short window for home owners to refinance as Federal Reserve ...