getvehicles(vehicle_type) vehicle_type - Can be either; integer - The vehicle class to filter by (client-side only). Found here. string - The vehicle type to filter by (server-side only). Found here. function - A function with signature (vehicle: integer, i: integer) => boolean. ...
这个错误通常与车辆相关,它表示你正在尝试使用未定义的汽车属性。要解决这个问题,需要确保车辆定义中包含所有需要的属性。 const car={model:“comet2”,plate:“ABCDE”,type:“car”,fuel:50.0,bodyhealth:100.0,enginehealth:100.0,minSeats:2,maxSeats:2,class:“sports”};ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle(car.model,spa...
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion 9 code/components/extra-natives-five/src/VehicleExtraNatives.cpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -562,7 +562,14 @@ static HookFunction initFunction([]() { ModelInfoPtrOffset = *hook::get_pattern<uint8_t>("48 8B 40 ?
- Update of the ROOFTOP_PNJ file (teleportation - pnj - vehicle) This does not solve the problem related to menyoo and teleportation! To help you, I released a video that helps you get around the problem! ...
Release: Community Policing Vehicle and livery (Vehicle NOT mine) Details: It is a fully custom police livery designed for a 2011 crownvic. It is based on a IRL design and was completely custom and made in photoshop. The crown vic i included in the dowlo
Fragment types (gtaFragType, .#ft) - any breakable object, including vehicle models. These are fairly complex, so will not be supported for a while. Skeleton data - this includes pedestrian models and weapons - the current release is mainly map-focused. Drawable dictionaries (.#dd) - ...
Vehicle Type Police Model Lock Locked Lightbar liberty II ELS Compatibility Non ELS Completion State Complete Inside the File 2018 Police Taurus - Made by TrooperCorentin GTAKING23000, RockyMtnAdam and darkblue 1 2 20...
!not. ...: negation of another permission function (ex ! !is.inside: check if the player is inside a building (approximation) !is.invehicle: check if the player is inside a vehicleAPI-- PROXY API -- return group title vRP.getGroupTitle(group) -- add a group to a ...
Moods and walk styles can be set from the menu. These will save to your character and reapply when exiting a vehicle, or loading back into the server as they are saved via client-side KVP. Having problems with users "abusing" certain walk styles? rpemotes-reborn checks if a user has an...
Enables or disables anti-free cam measures. KEYSAC.AntiRainbowVehicle: Enables or disables anti-rainbow vehicle measures. KEYSAC.AntiPlateChanger: Enables or disables anti-plate changer measures. KEYSAC.AntiNightVision: Enables or disables anti-night vision measures. KEYSAC.AntiSuperJump: Enables or...