CrossFit is a fitness regimen developed by Greg Glassman over several decades. Glassman, CrossFit's Founder was the first person in history to define fitness in a meaningful, measurable way: increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. He then created a program specifically designe...
World Class Fitness in 100 Words Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the bas...
Not more has been said regarding Greg Glassman’s role as owner of the organization. However, we expect to learn of these details in the near future of which we will keep you informed. This may have been unexpected news for a lot of people, although it’s not surprising given the severi...
“World-Class Fitness in 100 words” Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, Clean, Squat, Presses, Clean&Jerk, and Snatch. Similarly, mas...
CrossFit changed my life, no question. I fondly remember meeting Greg Glassman and Nicole Carroll when they attended and taught the first ever CrossFit certification outside of North America, CrossFit Manchester in Stockport, England, the UK’s first CrossFit box*. And afterwards having a pint...
CrossFit, what is fitness?Glassman, Greg
CrossFit起源于美国,由Greg Glassman教练于2000年创立,发展至今已是一套十分成熟的健身体系,字面理解即混合健身,也称全面强健。Cross是CrossFit的核心与灵魂,Cross即交叉,一、是指不同的运动项目穿插;二、是指注重核心肌群,并兼顾其他大小肌群协调发展;三、是指通过CrossFit训练,能应对生活中各种未知以及不可知的突发...