Worst Case Condition for Assembly: Maximum material condition The design intent of the maximum material modifier being easy and guaranteed assembly, we don’t care if the mating pin wiggles around a bit after assembly. So we encourage the hole to be larger, pu...
1.4TheFitandProperGuidelinesaremadeundersection399oftheSFOto replacetheFitandProperCriteriaissuedinDecember2000.Theyoutlinea numberofmattersthattheSFCwillnormallyconsiderindeterminingwhether apersonisfitandproper.ThematterssetoutintheseGuidelinesarenot exhaustive.TheseGuidelinesdonothavetheforceoflawandshouldnotbe ...
Define Proper fit. means the lap belt of the safety belt or safety harness is positioned low across the thighs and the shoulder belt is positioned over the collarbone and away from the neck.
1.2 Suitable and correct according to accepted social standards. 社会准则所允许的,正确的,恰当的 a fit subject on which to correspond 一个可在信中探讨的话题。 Example sentencesExamples It is not for the Speaker to judge whether it is fit and proper for a Minister to have access to official ...
Part 01 examined five of the most common sports-related injuries, including ACL tears, ankle sprains, concussions, rotator cuff tears, and hamstring strains. These injuries emphasize the importance of stability, strength, and proper rehabilitation. Part 02 continues with the remaining five injuries th...
Any reproduction, exchange, transfer or redistribution of this software is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.”WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, COPYING, REPRODUCTION, REVERSEENGINEERING, ...
The levels of CO2 in the body are tightly controlled as slight increases or decreases can lead to pH changes in the blood, which, left unchecked, can lead to serious physiological problems.Environmental factors such as changes in temperature, an unexpected loud noise and increases in breathing ...
When decisions go beyond the ability of staff, having a consultant on hand can be extremely valuable. Ideally, you could have these individuals on call and ask them questions on a case-by-case basis. Write down sets of questions to ask these consultants and determine the scope of their cont...
That’s how I looked after a case of beer 30 years ago. You know how it is, though, and this alludes to larger things; as I’ve pointed out often here, coffee is good for you. Six months later, it isn’t. Six months after that, it is again… until it isn’t again. So,...
regions is the intricate web of regulatory environments they must traverse. Each country has its unique set of laws and guidelines that govern media distribution, and it’s rarely straightforward. Have you ever stopped to ponder how much red tape lies between you and that eagerly awaited French ...