The article focuses on the requirements for admission and removal from the legal profession of lawyers in South Africa. It mentions that a fit and proper person is significantly needed to be admitted as a lawyer or advocate. It cites the Admission of Advocates Act 74 of 1964 which regulates ...
3.6 Notwithstanding that a person fails to comply with all individual elements set out in these Guidelines, the SFC may nonetheless be satisfied that the person is fit and proper. The SFC will look to the substance of the requirements and the materiality of any failure to meet them. Persons ...
a person who puts the parts of a machine together.montador ˈfittingadjective suitable.a fitting occasion.adecuado,propio,apto noun 1.something,ega piece of furniture, which is fixed,especiallyin a fittings.mobiliario 2.the trying-on of a dressetcand altering to make it fit...
Define Proper fit. means the lap belt of the safety belt or safety harness is positioned low across the thighs and the shoulder belt is positioned over the collarbone and away from the neck.
the Civil Service to the person concerned. (2) 行政長官如 認為適合,可就第(1)款的施行而指明一段 多於兩年的期間,而公務 員事務局局長須隨即以書面 將該段指明的期間通知有關的人。[...] such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may...
(c) Mr WONG Ting-kwong's view that while the requirements relating to character and reputationofthe"fitandproper person" criteria under section 129 of SFO might equally apply to an officer of MPF trustees, the requirements on financial status and financial integrity might not be applicable as ...
It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who...
Wastewater recycling for non-potable reuse was found to be less expensive than indirect potable reuse because of lower treatment requirements. Many of the efficiency measures and conversion to climate appropriate landscape had a “negative” life-cycle cost, meaning water savings cost over the life...
5. Prizes, determination and notification of the winner. 5.1 The prize is a HUAWEI Watch Fit 3 and HUAWEI FreeClip bundle. 5.2 Three winners will be selected at random (draw) from the list of participants who successfully enter and complete the entry requirements. Each winner will receive ...
(c) Mr WONG Ting-kwong's view that while the requirements relating to character and reputationofthe"fitandproper person" criteria under section 129 of SFO might equally apply to an officer of MPF trustees, the requirements on financial status and financial integrity might not be applicable as ...