You really don’t have to travel far this time of year; Oak Bay Flats are very productive and hold fish and bait. Sandlance love this area so, any long skinny spoon or squirt works well. Looking to get out fishing? Drop me a line or other local guide such as Ocean Rambler Fishing ...
19 - Three priests were fishing on a boat when they ran out of bait. The first priest got up and w...More ›› 20 - Having arrived at the edge of the river, the fisherman soon realized he had forgotten to bring a...More ›› ...
We head to Clear Lake to go fishing with FLW Pro Angler Bryan Thrift and the Damiki team to check out the latest and greatest lures that the team has to offer, which includes the exciting new Air Frog. Bryan helped design the Air Frog, which is a plastic toad style bait that floats....
Welcome to - Central New York's premiere fishing website managed by Mickey's Live Bait & Tackle - Find fishing information & great products!
We were out working the channel on a small cruiser near Isla Carmen. Maybe a mile off the beach. We were having a great time. It was one of those days when the sailfish were going crazy and every lure or bait tossed in the water got hit. The two fishing clients were having the tim...
Fishing for beginners may seem to feel a bit frustrating when thinking about getting started. So many things to consider. The equipment, the costs, when, where, and how to fish. It's not a big deal.
This app used to be pretty good. It allowed you to see what fish were caught in your area, look for nearby bait shops or fishing tackle stores, gave weather forecasts with the atmospheric pressure and expected bite times, and see what species are mostly caught at a particular body of wate...
more, I would have to say these past couple of months fishing isn't the best, and to be aware of dog poopmore, You can regularly see fish hanging out down there, and birds use it as a highway to fly through.more, behind me but maybe that's just the paranoid person that I am....
I extended my homemade stick rod towards the fish, who at this point was watching me intently. I was able to get the bit of bait near the mouth of the Darter, and to my surprise he bit! I set the hook quickly but not too stiffly, and brought the Darter out of the water and ...
BY Erin Argraves This year’s grand slam started with my bear. I harvested a nice sow on a bait on September 6th. I shot it with a .300 win mag. I was sitting in a ground blind with my husband as we watched the bear come in. The bear was harvested in Mapleton and tagged at ...