Fish or Cut Bait is one of those games that I would regularly find at thrift stores and rummage sales. As dice games are not my favorite genre and I am not a fisher, I was never really interested in picking up the game. The only reason I eventually decided to pick up the game was...
Liquid Mayhem is an all natural bait scent designed to make your lures come to life. Bass, Pike, Crawfish, Minnow, Leech, Nightcrawler, and more! Shop Now!
Live bait has been an issue. One of our good friends did get out to the north end of Cerralvo Island and found himself on top of a school of big freight train tuna breezing through. His bait got hammered and he found himself battling a beast for over 2 hours before the fish unfortunat...
The Rat Finkie has been a confidence jig for me, triggering bites day after day, season after season. Other Finkie assets: Fine-wire hook, soft tubular body, and the fact you can tip it with a single larva or softbait to create the illusion of a tiny bite of food, natural in ...
Whereas it’s better to actually do something about the decline of local fish stores rather than whining about it on fish club forums; Whereas most of us really don’t need much of an excuse to visit a local fish store anyway; Without any authority vested in me by absolutely anyone, anyw...
EDWARD Now, I'd tried everything on it: worms, lures, peanut butter, peanut butter-and-cheese. But on that day I had a revelation: if that fish was the ghost of a thief, the usual bait wasn't going to work. I would have to use something he truly desired. Edward points to his ...
Channel catfish have tendency to “shy away” when they meet resistance and they rarely come back to check your bait out again. You need to knowexactlywhen they’re biting, exactly when there’s any activitynear your baitand exactlywhen to set the hookeach and every time. ...
the sweet smells and crackle of a campfire at night, the quiet stroke of a canoe paddle as a fly line slips into the air in search of an eight-pound bass, and the process of getting ready for it all at stores like Bass Pro Shops andCabela's, both big parts of Morris’ outdoors ...
Trapping describes when animals are attracted into a permanent or semi-permanent enclosure by bait or because the gear placement seems to provide refuge or safe passage (Storai et al.2011; Freitas et al.2021). Animals enter voluntarily through one or more openings and are restricted to a small...
I inched up slowly, making no sudden movements, getting closer with my bait. I extended my homemade stick rod towards the fish, who at this point was watching me intently. I was able to get the bit of bait near the mouth of the Darter, and to my surprise he bit! I set the hook...